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In cooperation with the 3D GeoInfo Conference, 11-13 November 2014: 3D GeoInfo venue
The registration fee for the 3D Cadastre Workshop is approx. 450 Euro (= 2293.20 AED: United Arab Emirates Dirham), the fee for the combined 3D Cadastre Workshop / 3D GeoInfo Conference is approx. 580 Euro (= 2948.40 AED). The fee includes one event dinner.
Visit visas are required for entry into the UAE. Citizens of certain countries are exempted from the visit visa requirement. Please consult with the nearest UAE embassy or consulate. If required, a visit visa can be obtained through your hotel, or by applying directly through the nearest UAE consulate.

3D Cadastre Workshop

The increasing complexity of infrastructures and densely built-up areas requires a proper registration of the legal
status (private and public), which can only be provided to a limited extent by the existing 2D cadastral registrations.
The registration of the legal status in complex 3D situations will be investigated under the header of 3D Cadastres.

The 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres addresses the following topics:
  • 3D Cadastre operational experiences (analysis, LADM based, learn from each other, discover gaps)
  • 3D Cadastre cost effective work flow for new/updated 3D parcels = 4D (part of whole chain:
    from planning/design/permit in 3D, to registration/use in 3D)
  • 3D Cadastre web-based dissemination (usability, man-machine interfaces, including mobile/AR)
  • Legal aspects for 3D Cadastre, best legal practises in various legislation systems
  • Focus on large cities, including developing countries
30 June 2014   Extended abstract (500-1000 words) submission deadline
7 September 2014   Author notification
9 Ocober 2014   For accepted submissions, final version of full paper
9-11 November 2014   Workshop

Paper submission
Full papers will be included in both the on-line and printed proceedings (available at the workshop), published by the FIG with ISBN/ISSN reference.

Working sessions
Similar to earlier versions of the 3D Cadastre workshop, the programme will not only consist of plenary presentations (and discussions), but there will also be parallel working sessions on 4 different topics: legal framework, initial registration, data management and visualization. During the first two days of the workshop there will be parallel sessions for these topics. On the last day of the workshop the chairs of the working sessions will present the outcome in the closing plenary session: state of the art, user requirements, developments, proposed research agenda.
     Working session topic  Chair
 1. Legal framework 3D Cadastres  Jesper Paasch, Sweden
 2. Initial registration of 3D parcels  Sudarshan Karki, Australia
 3. 3D data management  Helena Åström Boss, Switzerland
 4. Visualization, distribution and delivery of 3D parcels  Jacynthe Pouliot, Canada

Partner organizations that support the 3D Cadastre workshop
    AGILE - Association of Geographic Information Laboratories for Europe
    AUD - American University in Dubai
    EuroGeographics - Authoritative Geo-Information Framework for Europe
    EuroSDR - European Spatial Data Research
    FIG - International Federation of Surveyors
    GIN - Geo-Informatie Nederland
    ICA - International Cartographic Association
    ISO TC211 - Geographic information / Geomatics
    ISPRS - International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
    JBGIS - Joint Board of Geospatial Information Societies
    KIT - Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
    NCG - Nederlands Centrum voor Geodesie en Geo-informatica
    OGC - Open Geospatial Consortium
    TU Delft - Delft University of Technology

Media partners
    Coordinates Magazine
    Directions Magazine
    Geospatial World
    GIM International
    GIS Magazine

Dubai skyline
Dubai's skyline at dawn  (original image by Jan Michael Pfeiffer, modifications by JamesA, license