
   Current features


View your GIS and CAD data simultaneously in 2D, 2.5D and 3D views.
Link 3D CAD models to a 2D or 3D GIS dataset. A single CAD model can represent a group of GIS objects.
Scale and rotate CAD model to fit the GIS object boundaries (footprint).
Save CAD model file location, position and scaling parameters with the associated GIS data in the database (SDE).
Load and display Triangular Irregular Networks (TIN) terrain surfaces.
Link texture bitmaps to 2D/3D GIS objects and TIN terrain surfaces.
Position GIS objects with their CAD models on top of a TIN terrain surface.
Play fly-through animations defined by user.
Use CrystalEyes glasses to view your data in full stereo.
Export your 3D world to VRML.


Fly to a user defined point in the 3D world.
Walk on the terrain surfaces (terrain following).
Experimental 3D user interface widgets.


Move and rotate individual or groups of GIS objects and save the changes in the GIS database (SDE).
Delete individual or groups of GIS objects in the GIS database (SDE).
Create new 2D and 3D GIS objects from 3D CAD models.

GIS Analysis

Identify individual GIS objects in the three different views.
Select GIS objects within a user-defined range using a 2D spatial buffer algorithm.
Measure distances in 3D space.


Client/server application. Karma is a client on the Spatial Database Engine by ESRI.
Cross platform: runs on NT, SGI, SUN and HP.
   Future features


Fully animated and interactive simulation in the world view.
Handle multiple scenarios for a single area of interest.
Position a group of CAD models on a single GIS object.


Intelligent, constraint based modelling of GIS objects.

GIS Analysis

3D sound contours.
3D line of sight.
3D buffer.
Volume calculation.
Shadow contours.

Many more features to come...
KARMA vI is a product of the 3D GIS & Virtual Reality project, funded
by the Dutch Land Water Enviroment Information Technology (LWI)
foundation. The LWI programme combines knowledge from the civil
engineering, town and country planning, environmental information and
information technology sectors. By combining this knowledge in
information based products the participants in the LWI programme are
able to participate in the design, construction and management of major
infrastructure products and maintain or expand their share of the market.

This project is a joined effort of eight companies and research institutes
to investigate possible applications of (3D) Geografic Information Systems
and Virtual Reality. The project started in August 1997 and has an
intended time frame of two years. In the first year the research will be
focused on defining possible applications and designing and developing a
3D GIS & VR prototype system. The second year will be used to tune and
introduce the system in two major infrastructure projects in the

The main objective of this project is to develop a system for modelling,
manipulation and analysis of spatial (GIS) data from within a Virtual
Reality Environment. One of the key features of the system will be the
ability to manipulate the GIS data through the Virtual Reality interface in
real time.
The final 3D GIS & VR system has to be an operational tool that can be
used during the realization of two major infrastructure projects in the

Participants in this project are:

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences - Delft University of Technology

Faculty of Information Technology and Systems - Delft University of Technology

Asset Forestry Limited

TNO Physics and Electronics Laboratory


Holland Railconsult

Survey Department

Academic Computing Services Amsterdam (SARA)

International Institute for Aerospace and Earth Sciences (ITC)


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