What's Karma?

   KARMA vI - Views

Analysis of the planning and design processes in major
infrastructure projects in The Netherlands showed that
a 3D GIS system like KARMA vI should offer three
different "view modes", each with it's own specific
functionality. These views can be displayed
simultaneously and a user can switch between or
"zoom through" these views at any given time.
   Plan View

This is a 2D view mode that offers standard 2D GIS
functionality like buffering, overlay, network and proximity
analyses to the user and can serve as a 2D map in other
view modes.

Plan View example
     Plan View of the Delft University Campus area. The red-blue
     arrow indicates the viewing position in the World View.
   Model View

In this view mode the 2D GIS data serve as a "map" to
position 3D primitives or simple 3D CAD objects. The user
can translate, rotate, scale and group the objects. 3D
analyses like 'Line of Sight', calculation of distance and
volumes are possible in this view.

Model View example
              Model View of the Delft University Campus area.
   World View

This is the more "realistic" representation of the GIS data.
In this view, complex CAD models and texture maps can
be added to the GIS map. The user can navigate through
the world and query the GIS data.

World View example
       World View of the Delft University Campus area, as seen
            from the roof of the university conference building.
                 (coloured yellow in Plan and Model View).

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