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Hoofdstuk in internationaal boek; 2

1. Oosterom, PJM van (2006).
Constraints in spatial data models, in a dynamic context.
In J Drummond, R Billen, E Joao, & D Forrest (Eds.), Dynamic and mobile GIS: investigating changes in space and time (Innovations in GIS, 10) (pp. 104-137).
London: Taylor & Francis: CRC Press.

2. Zlatanova, S , & Stoter, JE (2006).
The role of DBMS in the new generation GIS architecture.
In S Rana & Y Sharma (Eds.), The role of DBMS in the new generation GIS architecture (pp. 155-180).
Berlin/Heidelberg/New York: Springer Verlag.

Scientific publications

P. A. Boncz, M. L. Kersten, S. Manegold.
Breaking the Memory Wall in MonetDB.
Communications of the ACM, 51(12):77-85, December 2008.

Professional Publications


3. Oosterom, PJM van (2006).
Temporele aspecten in GIS.
AGGN nieuwsbrief, 18(2), 6-12.

4. Oosterom, PJM van (2006).
Temporele aspecten ook op eerste rang?
Geo-info, 3(11), 468-472.

T.K. Chen, A. Abdul-Rahman and S. Zlatanova
3D Spatial Operations in Geo DBMS Environment for 3D GIS
In: O. Gervasi and M. Gavrilova (Eds.); ICCSA 2007, LNCS 4705, Part I,
Berlin, pp. 151-163
Categorie: congresbijdrage

Yahaya Bin Abd Rahim
Spatio-Temporal Data Mining On Moving Objects In DBMS
Unpublished Report (33 pages).
Categorie: rapport

Wilko Quak
MonetDB spatial -- Een open-source Spatial DBMS
Op symposium: Het gebruik van OS software in GEO-ICT (Media Plaza, Utrect)
Categorie: presentatie

Wim de Haas en Wilko Quak
Benchmarking spatial DMBSs
Congresbijdrage: Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial 2007
Categorie: congresbijdrage

S. Idreos, M. L. Kersten, S. Manegold.
Updating a Cracked Database.
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Beijing, China, June 2007
Categorie: congresbijdrage

S. Heman, N. Nes, M. Zukowski, P. A. Boncz.
Vectorized Data Processing on the Cell Broadband Engine.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware (DaMoN), Beijing, China, Awarded Best Paper, June 2007
Categorie: congresbijdrage

F. Groffen, M. L. Kersten, S. Manegold.
Armada: a Reference Model for an Evolving Database System.
In Proceedings of Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web, Aachen, Germany, March 2007
Categorie: congresbijdrage

S. Idreos, M. L. Kersten, S. Manegold.
Database Cracking.
In Proceedings of the Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), Asilomar, CA, USA, January 2007.
Categorie: congresbijdrage

M. Ivanova, N. Nes, R. Goncalves, M. L. Kersten.
MonetDB/SQL Meets SkyServer: the Challenges of a Scientific Database..
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM), July 2007 (momenteel alleen abstract beschikbaar)
Categorie: congresbijdrage

Conference proceedings


Vermeij, M.; quak, W.; Kersten, M. & Nes, N. Netterberg, I. & Coetzee, S. (ed.)
MonetDB, a novel spatial column-store DBMS
Academic proceedings of the 2008 free and open source software for geospatial (FOSS4G) conference, 2008 (FOSS4G2008-MonetDB.pdf)

Wilko Quak, Maarten Vermeij and Wim de Haas
A spatial DBMS buyer’s guide Inge Netterberg and Serena Coetzee (Eds.);
Academic Proceedings of the 2008 Free and Open Source for Geospatial (FOSS4G) Conference, OSGeo, p. 114
(abstract: DBMS_Testing.pdf
Presentation: 2008-10-01-WilkoQuak-FOSS4G-DBMSTesting.ppt)

Chrit Lemmen, Peter van Oosterom and Harry Uitermark.
Status of the ISO 19152 standard development,
LADM FIG Working Week 2009 - Surveyors Key Role in Accelerated Development Eilat, Israel, 3-8 May 2009.(forthcoming)

Peter van Oosterom, Arco Groothedde, Christiaan Lemmen, Paul van der Molen and Harry Uitermark.
Land Administration as a cornerstone in the global spatial information infrastructure
Accepted for GSDI 11 World Conference, Spatial Data Infrastructure Convergence, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 15-19 June 2009. (forthcoming)

Arif Cagdas Aydinoglu, Tahsin Yomralioglu, and Peter van Oosterom.
Opportunities and Constraints to Develop Geographic Data Models for Urban Land Administration in Turkey
Accepted GSDI 11 World Conference, Spatial Data Infrastructure Convergence, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 15-19 June 2009. (forthcoming)

Joao Hespanha, Jan van Bennekom-Minnema, Peter van Oosterom and Christiaan Lemmen
The Model Driven Architecture Approach Applied to the Land Administration Domain Model Version 1.1 - with Focus on Constraints Specified in the Object Constraint Language
FIG Working Week 2008, Integrating Generations, June 2008, Stockholm, 19 p.

M. Zukowski, N. Nes, P. A. Boncz.
DSM vs. NSM: CPU Performance Tradeoffs in Block-Oriented Query Processing.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware (DaMoN), Vancouver, Canada, Awarded Best Paper, June 2008.

M. Ivanova, M. L. Kersten, N. Nes.
Adaptive Segmentation for Scientific Databases.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), pp 1412-1414, Cancun, Mexico, (Paper), April 2008.

M. Ivanova, M. L. Kersten, N. Nes.
Self-organizing strategies for a column-store database.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), pp 157-168, Nantes, France, March 2008.



Peter van Oosterom
INSPIRE activiteiten Peter van Oosterom t.b.v. het Kadaster in het jaar 2008

andere publicatie:

Joop van Buren, Ebrahim Hemmatnia, Chrit Lemmen, Peter van Oosterom
Europees coöordinatensysteem is voor Nederland vooral een kans (in Dutch)
In: Geodata-inwinning; Special of Geo-Info and Vi Matrix, October 2008, pp. 20-23

Verslag van 'OS-Seminar 'Kennis van de bron'' br>
Wilko QuakVerslag van Point Cloud workshop op het OTB


Jan van Bennekom-Minnema
The Land Administration Domain Model 'Survey Package' and Model Driven Architecture Master's Thesis GIMA (Utrecht Univ., TU Delft, Wageningen Univ., ITC), 2008, 199 p.



5. Quak, CW (2006, maart 05).
Automatic analysis of GPS tracklogs.
Wadern, German, Dagstuhl seminar no 06101 'Spatial data: mining, processing and communicating', 05-03-2006/10-03-2006.

Wilko Quak
A ‘movingpoint’ type for a DBMS Dagstuhl seminar on Representation, Analysis and Visualization of Moving Objects (2008)

Wilko Quak De impact van open vs closed source voor geo DBMS research OS-Seminar 'Kennis van de bron