
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Scientific publications >>> >>> >>> >>>
Conference proceedings >>> >>> >>> >>>
Professional publications >>> >>> >>>
Reports >>> >>>
Student reports >>> >>> >>>
Presentations >>> >>> >>> >>>
Other results >>>
In the press >>> >>>

Scientific publications

--Scientific publications -- 05

Peter van Oosterom
Variable-scale topological datastructures suitable for progressive data transfer: the GAP-face tree and GAP-edge forest.
In: Cartography and Geographic Information Science, Volume 32, 4, 2005, pp. 331-346

--Scientific publications -- 07

Arta Dilo, Rolf A. de By and Alfred Stein
A system of types and operators for handling vague spatial objects
In: International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Volume 21, 2007, pp. 397-426

Rob Lemmens, Andreas Wytzisk, Rolf de By, Carlos Granell, Michael Gould and Peter van Oosterom
Enhancing Geo-Service Chaining through Deep Service Descriptions
In: Transactions in GIS, Volume 11, 6, pp. 849-871

Marian de Vries and Peter van Oosterom
Model Generalization and Methods for Effective Query Processing and Visualization in a Web Service/Client Architecture
Chapter in book 'Spatial Data on the Web, Modeling and Management', Belussi, A.; Catania, B.; Clementini, E.; Ferrari, E. (Eds.) 2007, XII, pp. 85-106

--Scientific publications -- 08

RGI-233-233-38 Corné van Elzakker, Ioannis Delikostidis and Peter van Oosterom Field-Based Usability Evaluation Methodology for Mobile Geo-Applications
In: The Cartographic Journal, Volume 45, 2, pp. 139-149

J.-H. Haunert and M. Sester
Assuring logical consistency and semantic accuracy in map generalization
In: Photogrammetrie - Fernerkundung - Geoinformation (PFG), vol. 2008, no. 3, pp. 165-173

I. Delkostidis and C.P.J.M. van Elzakker
Chapter 12: Geo-Identification and Pedestrian Navigation with Geo-Mobile Appliations: How do Users Proceed?
In: G. Gartner and K. Rehrl (Eds.), Location Based Services and TeleCartography II, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer, Berlin, 2009, ISBN 978-3-540-87392-1, pp. 185.206

J.E. Stoter, J.M. Morales, R.L.G. Lemmens, B.M. Meijers, P.J.M. van Oosterom, C.W. Quak, H.T. Uitermark and L. van den Brink
A data model for multi-scale topographical data
In: A. Ruas and C.M. Gold (Eds.): Headway in Spatial Data Handling, Springer, 2008, pp. 385-400

Peter van Oosterom
Research and Development in Geo-information Generalisation and Multiple Representation
In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 33, 2009, pp. 303-310

Arta Dilo, Peter van Oosterom and Arjen Hofman
Constrained tGAP for generalisation between scales: the case of Dutch topographic data
In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 33, 2009, pp. 388-402


Conference proceedings

Arta Dilo and Peter van Oosterom
Usable mobile maps based on a vario-scale data server
In: M-J Kraak, J Meerkerk (Eds.), Symposium 2006 Geo-innovatie, Ede, the Netherlands, pp. 140-147

Peter van Oosteromn
The tGAP structure: minimizing redundancy and maximizing consistency and offering access at any LoD
In: K Toth, A Illert, K Murray (Eds.), Proceedings of the INSPIRE Multiple-Representation and Data Consistency Workshop, Ispra, Italy, 2006, 7 p.

Peter van Oosterom, Marian de Vries and Martijn Meijers
Vario-scale data server in a web service context
In: A Ruas, W Mackaness (Eds.), Proceedings of the ICA Commission on Map Generalisation and Multiple Representation, Paris, France, 2006, 14 p.

R. Looije, G.M. te Brake and M.A. Neerincx
Usability Engineering for Mobile Maps
In: Proceedings of the 4th international Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications, and Systems and the 1st international Symposium on Computer Human interaction in Mobile Technology, Singapore, 2007, 8 p.

R. Looije, G.M. te Brake and M.A. Neerincx
Geo-Callaboration under stress
Position paper presented at the workshop on Mobile HCI for Emergencies, Mobile HCI, Singapore, 2007, 4 p.

Corné van Elzakker, Peter van Oosterom and Ioannis Delikostidis
Testing the usability of well scaled mobile maps for consumers
In: Proceedings of the XXIII International Cartographic Congress, August 2007, Moscow, Russia, 10 p.

B.M. Meijers
Vario-scale geo-information
Poster reader for 'GI-days 2007, young researchers forum', 5th Geographic Information Days, September 2007, Münster, Germany, pp. 27-28

Arta Dilo, Rolf de By and Alfred Stein
Metrics for vague spatial objects based on the concept of mass
In: Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, July, London, pp. 804-809

Theodor Foerster, Jantien Stoter, Barend Köbben and Peter van Oosterom
A Generic Approach to Simplification of Geodata for Mobile Applications
In: M. Wachowicz, L. Bodum (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, May 2007, Aalborg, 9 p.

J. Stoter, W. Quak, P. van Oosterom, M. Meijers, R. Lemmens and H. Uitermark
Considerations for the design of a semantic data model for a multi-representation topographical database
In H. Kremers (Ed.), Lecture notes in Information Sciences, CODATA, Berlin, 2007, pp. 53-71

Arjen Hofman, Arta Dilo, Peter van Oosterom and Nicole Borkens
Using the constrained tGAP for generalisation of IMGeo to TOP10NL model
In: W. Mackaness, S. Mustičre (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th ICA International Workshop on Generalization jointly organized with EuroSDR/ICA/SDH, Montpellier, France, 2008, 23 p.

J.-H. Haunert and A. Wolff
Optimal simplification of building ground plans
In: Proceedings of the XXIst ISPRS Congress, Beijing, China, 2008, pp. 373-378

Martijn Meijers, Peter van Oosterom and Wilko Quak
A Storage and Transfer Efficient Data Structure for Variable Scale Vector Data
In: Sester, Bernard, Paelke (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th AGILE Conference, Hannover, Germany, 2009, pp. 345-367


Professional publications

--Professional Publications -- 06

Brentjens, TJ, Vries, ME de, Quak, CW, Vijlbrief C and Oosterom, PJM van
Updating geo-information in a heterogeneous networked environment - experiences and evaluation of OpenGIS Web Feature Services
GIS@Development, pp. 1-6

Peter van Oosterom
Usable mobile maps based on a vario-scale data server
GIN symposium, 15 November 2006, Ede, The Netherlands, 3 p. (abstract)

Meijers, M, Vries, ME de and Oosterom, PJM van
Geo-informatie op variabele schaal voor mobiel internet-GIS
Geo-info, Volume 3, 12, 2006, pp. 628-633 (in Dutch)

Ioannis Delikostidis, Corné van Elzakker and Peter van Oosterom
Usability Testing Dynamic Maps
In: GIM International, Volume 21, 12, pp. 16-19

J. Stoter, P. van Oosterom, N. Bakker, L. van den Brink, R. Lemmens, M. Meijers, J. Morales, W. Quak, K. van Raamsdonk and H. Uitermark
IMTOP: op weg naar een multi-schaal informatiemodel voor topografie
In: Geo-Info, Volume 5, 10, 2008, pp. 376-381 (in Dutch)

P. van Oosterom, A. Hofman, A. Dilo and N. Borkens
Een variabele-schaal structuur voor IMGeo en Top10NL
In: Geo-Info, Volume 5, 11, pp. 406-410 (in Dutch)



-- Reports -- 07

Elfriede Fendel (Ed.)
Usable and well scaled maps for consumers; Work Package 1
RGI Project Report No. 233-01, Delft, 2007, 57 p.

Arta Dilo
Server side technology and interface for client
Report prepared for discussion meeting with ESRI on 17 April 2007

Arta Dilo
Server side technology for tGAP
Report prepared to initiate the 1-week collabaration with 1Spatial, August 2007

-- Reports -- 08

Martijn Meijers
Variable-Scale Geo-Information
PhD Research Proposal, GISt Report No. 48, Delft, 2008, 29 p.

Theo Tijssen (Ed.)
Usable and well scaled maps for consumers; Work Package 2
RGI Project Report No. 233-02, Delft, 2008, 18 p.

Martijn Meijers
Retrieving tGAP data with a stateless client for visualization
RGI Project Report No. 233-03, Delft, 2008, 14 p.

Ben de Vries
RGI 233 WP4, Silverlight tGAPviewer
ESRI Nederland BV, Report, December 2008, 22 p.

C.P.J.M. van Elzakker, R. Looije, G. te Brake and I. Delkostidis
Expert evaluation of the UWSM2 prototypes
Internal Report, January 2009, 17 p.

tGAP Wrapper User guide
1Spatial Group Limited, Report, February 2009, Cambridge, UK, 5 p.

Radius Topology tGAP Wrapper Overview
1Spatial Group Limited, Report, February 2009, Cambridge, UK, 9 p.

tGAP Wrapper Installation guide
1Spatial Group Limited, Report, February 2009, Cambridge, UK, 4 p.


Student reports

-- Student reports -- 06

Martijn Meijers
Implementation and testing of variable scale topological data structures
Master's Thesis, TU Delft, 2006, 114 p.

Arjen Hofman
Application of generalisation in Rotterdam; A literature study
Individual Assignment report TU Delft, 2007, 30 p.

Ioanis Delikostidis
Methods and techniques for field-based usability testing of mobile geo-applications
Master's Thesis ITC, 2007, 85 p.

Results from MSc thesis work of Ioannis Delikostidis (and also in ICA congress) are some video impressions of the conducted usability testing.
- Video high resolution
- Video low resolution

Sample of the resulting synchronized video research materials.
- Video high resolution
- Video low resolution

Lena Albert
Entwicklung von Gütekriterien für die Gebäudegeneralisierung und deren Anwendung in einem Optimierungsansatz (Development of quality criteria for building generalization and their use in an optimization approach)
Bachelor Thesis, Institut für Kartographie und Geoinformatik, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2008, 43 p. (in German)

Arjen Hofman
Developing a vario-scale IMGeo using the constrained tGAP structure
Master's Thesis, TU Delft, 2008, 172 p.



-- Presentations -- 06

Martijn Meijers
Presentation about variable scale topological data structures
Consortium Meeting, Delft, April 2006

Peter van Oosterom
Vario-scale topological data structures suitable for progressive transfer: the GAP-face tree and GAP-edge forest
Dagstuhl seminar no 06101 'Spatial data: mining, processing and communicating', Wadern, Germany, March 2006

Peter van Oosterom
Variable scale topological data structures for geo-information
3rd Dutch computational geometry day, TU Eindhoven, July 2006

Theo Tijssen
MobiMaps Use Cases
Consortium Meeting, Delft, October 2006

Arta Dilo
Vario-scale data: developments in the server side
Consortium Meeting, Delft, October 2006

Peter van Oosterom
The tGAP structure: minimizing redundancy and maximizing consistency and offering access at any LoD
INSPIRE Multiple-Representation and Data Consistency Workshop, Ispra, Italy, 2006

Rosemarijn Looije, Guido te Brake and Mark Neerincx
Usability engineering for mobile maps
Nationale Geo-Innovatie Dagen, March 2007, Rotterdam

Arta Dilo, Peter van Oosterom and Theo Tijssen
Usable and well scaled mobile maps for consumers
Poster presentation at the Nationale Geo-Innovatie Dagen, March 2007, Rotterdam

Arta Dilo
Generalisation via tGAP structure
Geomatics Guest Lecture, TU Delft, May 2007

Corné van Elzakker, Peter van Oosterom and Ioannis Delikostidis
Testing the usability of well scaled mobile maps for consumers
XXIII International Cartographic Congress, August 2007, Moscow, Russia

Martijn Meijers
PhD research – Variable-scale geo-information
ITC, Enschede, September 2007

Martijn Meijers
tGAP client development
Consortium Meeting, Amsterdam, March 2008

Jan-Henrik Haunert
The constrained tGAP for progressive vector data transfer
Consortium Meeting, Amsterdam, March 2008

Arjen Hofman
Developing a vario-scale IMGeo using the constrained tGAP structure
Consortium Meeting, Amsterdam, March 2008

Arjen Hofman
Developing a vario-scale IMGeo using the constrained tGAP structure
MSc Thesis presentation, Delft, February 2008

Arjen Hofman, Arta Dilo, Peter van Oosterom and Nicole Borkens
Developing a Vario-scale IMGeo using the constrained tGAP structure
ICA International Workshop on Generalisation, Montpellier, France, June 2008

Rosemarijn Looije
Efficiency, task dependency and user preferences for three declutter algorithms
Consortium Meeting, Rotterdam, October 2008

Ioannis Delikostidis and Corné van Elzakker
Geo-identification and pedestrian navigation with geo-mobile applications: how do users proceed? + movie wmv file
Consortium Meeting, Rotterdam, October 2008

Ioannis Delikostidis and Corné van Elzakker
Geo-identification and pedestrian navigation with geo-mobile applications: How do users proceed?
LBS2008, 5th Symposium on Location Based Services & TeleCartography, November 2008, Salzburg, Austria

Rosemarijn Looije, Guido te Brake, Corné van Elzakker and Ioannis Delikostidis
Onderzoeken van de bruikbaarheid van mobiele kaarten
GIN-RGI Symposium 'Met het oog op de geo-toekomst', November 2008, Ede (in Dutch)

Martijn Meijers, Theo Tijssen and Peter van Oosterom
Progressive transmission of variable scale vector data over the web
GeoWeb 2009, Cityscapes, July 2009, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Peter van Oosterom
Mobiele kaarten op juiste schaal voor gebruikers
GIS Conferentie '09, September 2009, Rotterdam (in Dutch)


Other results

-- Other results -- 06

Fred Harms
Gebruikers Casus Stadstoezicht Amsterdam voor project 'Usable (and well scaled) mobile maps for consumers'
Dienst Stadstoezicht Amsterdam, May 2006 (in Dutch)

MobiMaps Use Case Amsterdam Sample Map, May 2006

MobiMaps Use Case ANWB, September 2006

Client-side technology, Peter van Oosterom, July 2006


In the press

-- In the press -- 07

Peter van Oosterom
De heilige graal: de kaart zonder schaal
In: Vi Matrix, Volume 15, 8, 2007, pp. 14-15 (interview, in Dutch)

Jos Wassink
Mobile maps win innovation award
In: Delta, Volume 41, 27, 17 September 2009, p. 7 (online version)

Corné van Elzakker
RGI Geo Innovantion Award 2009
In: ITC News 2009, 3, p. 20