Literature This page lists a number of (important) publications and other documents related to 3D Cadastres. Click on the title to download or view (the link to) the corresponding PDF file. |
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2023 Jing Sun, Jesper M. Paasch, Jenny Paulsson, Väino Tarandi and Lars Harrie c A BIM-based approach to design a lifecycle 3D property formation process: A Swedish case study Land Use Policy, Volume 131, August 2023, 106712. Jesper M. Paasch and Jenny Paulsson Trends in 3D cadastre – A literature survey Land Use Policy, Volume 131, August 2023, 106716. Maria Gkeli and Chryssy Potsiou 3D crowdsourced parametric cadastral mapping: Pathways integrating BIM/IFC, crowdsourced data and LADM Land Use Policy, Volume 131, August 2023, 106713. Chryssy Potsiou, Nikolaos Doulamis,Nikolaos Bakalos, Maria Gkeli, Charalabos Ioannidis and Selena Markouizou A Prototype Machine Learning Tool Aiming to Support 3D Crowdsourced Cadastral Surveying of Self-Made Cities Land, 2023, 12(1), 8. Abdullah Kara, Peter van Oosterom, Ruud Kathmann, Christiaan Lemmen Visualisation and dissemination of 3D valuation units and groups - An LADM valuation information compliant prototype Land Use Policy, Volume 132, September 2023, 106829. ![]() 2022 Munkhbaatar Buuveibaatar, Kangjae Lee and Wonhee Lee Implementation of the LADM-Based Cadastral Model for Mongolia towards Transition to a 3D Cadastre Land, 2022, 11(11), 2014. Hicret Sürmeneli, Mila Koeva and Mehmet Alkan The Application Domain Extension (ADE) 4D cadastral data model and its application in Turkey Land, 11(5), 634. Y. Xie, Behram Atazadeh, Abbas Rajabifard and Hamed Olfat Automatic Modelling of Property Ownership in BIM ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 10(4/W2-2022), pp. 297–304. Hrvoje Tomic, Nikola Vucic, Saša Vranic, S. Mastelic Ivic, R. Paar and D. Šantek A Case Study of 3D Ownershýp Rights Registration as a Basis of Smart Urban Governance International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences ISPRS Archives, 48(4/W4-2022), pp. 153–159. Bahram Saeidian, Abbas Rajabifard, Behnam Atazadeh and Mohsen Kalantari Extending CityGML 3.0 to Support 3D Underground Land Administration International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences ISPRS Archives, 48(4/W4-2022), pp. 125–132. I. Dursun, M. Aslan, I. Cankurt, C. Yýldýrým and E. Ayyýldýz 3D city models as a 3D cadastral layer: the case of TKGM model International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences ISPRS Archives, 43(B4-2022), pp. 507–512. D. Andritsou, M. Gkeli, S. Soile and C. Potsiou A BIM/IFC–LADM solution aligned to the greek legislation International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences ISPRS Archives, 43(B4-2022), pp. 471–477. Faraliyana Mohd Hanafi, Muhammad Imzan Hassan and Alias Abdul Rahman Strata Objects Based on Malaysian Ladm Country Profile via Web 3d Visualization International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences ISPRS Archives, 46(4/W3-2021), pp. 229–238. H.G. Sürmeneli, M. Alkan and A. Abdul Rahman A Comparison of Turkey-Malaysia Ladm Country Profile for 3d Cadastre Purposes International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences ISPRS Archives, 46(4/W3-2021), pp. 329–335. Ainn Zamzuri, Imzan Hassan and Alias Abdul Rahman Development of 3d Marine Cadastre Data Model Based on Land Administration Domain Model International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences ISPRS Archives, 46(4/W3-2021), pp. 337–345. Mustafa Aslan, Ibrahim Cankurt, Cengiz Yildirim, Ismail Dursun and Ekrem Ayyildiz 3D City Models as a 3D Cadastral Layer: The Case of the TKGM Model FIG 2022 Congress, Warsaw, Poland, 11-15 September 2022. Benard Odhiambo, Gordon Okumu Wayumba, Japheth Nyandoro, Kipchumba Evans and Julia Wakaba 3D Cadastral Modelling for Registration of Sectional Rights, Tax Collection and Integration into the National Land Information Management System in Kenya FIG 2022 Congress, Warsaw, Poland, 11-15 September 2022. Mulyadi Mulyadi and Akhmad Faizal Web-Based 3D Cadastre’s Data Visualization In Indonesia: Challenges And Opportunity FIG 2022 Congress, Warsaw, Poland, 11-15 September 2022. Sinan Çolak, Bilal Erkek and ÝbrahÝm Cankurt Possible Socio-Economic Reflections of 3D Cadastre Studies FIG 2022 Congress, Warsaw, Poland, 11-15 September 2022. ![]() 2021 Hanis Rashidan and Alias Abdul Rahman Converting BIM Data to CityGML for 3D Cadastre Purposes 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 5-18. Marcin Karabin, Dimitrios Kitsakis, Mila Koeva, Gerhard Navratil, Jesper M. Paasch, Jenny Paulsson, Nikola Vucic, Karel Janecka and Anka Lisec 3D Cadastre in the case of engineering objects, such as bridges and road viaducts 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 19-36. Rohit Ramlakhan, Eftychia Kalogianni and Peter van Oosterom Modelling 3D underground legal spaces in 3D Land Administration Systems 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 37-52. Marjan Broekhuizen, Eftychia Kalogianni and Peter van Oosterom BIM models as input for 3D Land Administration Systems for apartment registration 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 53-74. Maria Gkeli and Chryssy Potsiou Linking LADM with BIM/IFC standards for mobile-based 3D Crowdsourced Cadastral Surveys 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 75-94. Nur An-Nisa Milyana, Bastiaan van Loenen, Willem Korthals Altes and Hendrik Ploeger 4D Musrenbang: Designing User Experience (UX) to Support Public Participation in Spatial Planning for Indonesia 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 95-112. Abdullah Kara, Peter van Oosterom, Ruud Kathmann and Christiaan Lemmen Requirements and Opportunities for Web-Based 3D Visualization and Dissemination of Property Valuation Information 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 113-128. Jesper M. Paasch and Jenny Paulsson New trends in 3D Cadastre Research - A Literature Survey 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 129-142. Shen Ying, Hanrui Sun, Chengpeng Li, Wenting Zhang, Meng Wang, Yong Zhan, Yu Zhang and Xueye Chen Case-driven category analysis of 3D building property 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 143-152. Behnam Atazadeh, Hamed Olfat and Abbas Rajabifard 3D Cadastre in Australian and New Zealand Jurisdictions: Similarities and Differences 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 153-184. Jaroslaw Bydlosz, Artur Warchol, Monika Balawejder and Agnieszka Bieda Practical verification of Polish 3D cadastral model 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 185-206. Sin-Yi Ho and Jung-Hong Hong Temporal perspective towards the design of cadastral systems in Taiwan 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 207-222. Ksenia Khasanshina, Shimon Barazani and Yoav Tal Implementation of the 3D Cadastre in Israel - Stage 1 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 223-246. Trias Aditya, Dany P. Laksono, Dedi Atunggal, Febrian F. Susanta, Nurrohmat Widjadjanti, Mohammad B. Setiawan, Nurhidayat Agam and Tri Wibisono 3D Modelling, Validation and Visualization of 3D Parcels in First Registration for 3D Cadastre Indonesia Case 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 247-262. Jernej Tekavec, Ema Pogorelcnik, Anja Krzan and Anka Lisec Towards 3D-Real Property Cadastre in Slovenia 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 263-274. Aleksandra Radulovic, Dubravka Sladic, Miro Govedarica and Dušan Raicevic LADM based taxation model in Montenegro: Using BIM in taxation process 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 275-290. Dedi Atunggal, Nurrohmat Widjajanti, Trias Aditya and Agus Wahyudi The Role of Positioning Infrastructure and Mapping Surveys in 3D Cadastre Implementation for Mass Rapid Transport Infrastructures - Indonesia Case 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 291-308. Hicret Gürsoy Sürmeneli, Mila Koeva and Mehmet Alkan Integration of LADM and CityGML for 3D Cadastre of Turkey 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 309-324. Grgo Dzelalija and Miodrag Roic Utilities Data in Land Administration Systems 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 325-340. Saeid Emamgholian, Jacynthe Pouliot and Davood Shojaei 3D Zoning: A Missing Piece to Link Planning Regulations with 3D Cadastre 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 341-356. Morten D. Madsen, Jesper M. Paasch and Esben M. Sřrensen Organization of rights and responsibilities in complex 3D real property developments – the relevance of bridging research fields 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 357-370. Dimitrios Kitsakis, Eftychia Kalogianni, Efi Dimopoulou, Jaap Zevenbergen and Peter van Oosterom Modelling 3D legal spaces of Public Law Restrictions within the context of LADM revision 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 371-390. Dionysia-Georgia Perperidou and Andreas Xydopoulos A 3D approach of Greece's Property Law on urban environmental pollution 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 391-404. Jing Sun, Jesper Paasch, Jenny Paulsson, Väino Tarandi and Lars Harrie Towards Design and Development of a BIM-based 3D Property Formation Process 7th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2021, pp. 405-419. Nor Ainn Alfatihah Zamzuri, Muhammad Imzan Hassan and Alias Abdul Rahman Developing 3D Marine Cadastre Data Model within Malaysian LADM Country Profile – Preliminary Result 9th FIG Workshop on the Land Administration Domain Model / 3D Land Administration), the Netherlands, 15 p. Maria Gkeli, Chryssy Potsiou and Charalabos Ioannidis BIM data as Input to 3D Crowdsourced Cadastral Surveying - Potential and Perspectives 9th FIG Workshop on the Land Administration Domain Model / 3D Land Administration), the Netherlands, 17 p. Morten Dalum Madsen, Jesper Mayntz Paasch and Esben Munk Sřrensen 3D Cadastral Model in Bulgaria 9th FIG Workshop on the Land Administration Domain Model / 3D Land Administration), the Netherlands, 15 p. Yanitsa Yankova Designing a 3D Cadastral System Demonstrator: A Case Study 9th FIG Workshop on the Land Administration Domain Model / 3D Land Administration), the Netherlands, 15 p. Abdullah Alattas, Marianne de Vries, Sisi Zlatanova and Peter van Oosterom 3D pgRouting and visualization in Cesium JS using the integrated model of LADM and IndoorGML 9th FIG Workshop on the Land Administration Domain Model / 3D Land Administration), the Netherlands, 33 p. Dionysia - Georgia Perperidou, Georgios Moschopoulos, Konstantinos Sigizis and Dimitrios Ampatzidis Greece's Laws on Properties and the Third Dimension: a Comparative Analysis 9th FIG Workshop on the Land Administration Domain Model / 3D Land Administration), the Netherlands, 13 p. Rodney Thompson and Peter van Oosterom Bi-temporal foundation for LADM v2: Fusing event and state based modelling of Land administration data 2D and 3D Land Use Policy, Volume 102, March 2021, 105246. Behnam Atazadeh, Hamed Olfat, Abbas Rajabifard, Mohsen Kalantari, Davood Shojaei and Afshin Mesbah Marjani Linking Land Administration Domain Model and BIM environment for 3D digital cadastre in multi-storey buildings Land Use Policy, Volume 104, May 2021, 105367. Ruba Jaljolie, Kirsikka Riekkinen and Sagi Dalyot A topological-based approach for determining spatial relationships of complex volumetric parcels in land administration systems Land Use Policy, Volume 109, October 2021, 105637. Jingya Yan, Rob Van Son and Kean Huat Soon From underground utility survey to land administration: An underground utility 3D data model Land Use Policy, Volume 102, March 2021, 105267. Abbas Rajabifard, Behnam Atazadeh, Mohsen Kalantari, Hamed Olfat, Davood Shojaei and Farshad Badiee Design and development of an LADM-driven 3D Land administration system: Lessons learned in Malaysia Land Use Policy, Volume 102, March 2021, 105252. Mehmet Alkan, Hicret Gürsoy Sürmeneli and Zeynel Abidin Polat Design and development 3D RRR model for Turkish cadastral system using international standards Survey Review, 53(379), pp. 312-324. Jernej Tekavec,Marjan Ceh and Anka Lisec Indoor space as the basis for modelling of buildings in a 3D Cadastre Survey Review, 53(380), pp. 464-475. Marija Petronijevic, Nenad Višnjevac, Nataša Prašcevic and Branislav Bajat The Extension of IFC For Supporting 3D Cadastre LADM Geometry ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(5), 297. Rafika Hajji, Reda Yaagoubi, Imane Meliana, Imane Laafou and Ahmed El Gholabzouri Development of an Integrated BIM-3D GIS Approach for 3D Cadastre in Morocco ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(5), 351. Ali Asghari,Mohsen Kalantari and Abbas Rajabifard Formative and Summative Validation of Building Information Model-Based Cadastral Data Land, 10(8), 822. Taha Masri and Dev Raj Paudyal Development Of 3D Cadastre In New South Wales Through e-Plan Lodgement ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 5(4), pp. 139-146. ![]() 2020 Peter van Oosterom, Rohan Bennett, Mila Koeva and Christiaan Lemmen 3D Land Administration for 3D Land Uses Land Use Policy, Volume 98, November 2020, 104665. Karolina Larsson, Jesper M.Paasch and Jenny Paulsson Representation of 3D cadastral boundaries - From analogue to digital Land Use Policy, Volume 98, November 2020, 104178. Marcin Karabin, Dimitrios Kitsakis, Mila Koeva, Gerhard Navratil, Jesper M. Paasch, Jenny Paulsson, Nikola Vucic, Karel Janecka and Anka Lisec Layer approach to ownership in 3D cadastre in the case of underground tunnels Land Use Policy, Volume 98, November 2020, 104464. Eftychia Kalogianni, Efi Dimopoulou, Rodney James Thompson, Christiaan Lemmen and Shen Ying and Peter van Oosterom Development of 3D spatial profiles to support the full lifecycle of 3D objects Land Use Policy, Volume 98, November 2020, 104177. Jernej Tekavec and Anka Lisec Cadastral data as a source for 3D indoor modelling Land Use Policy, Volume 98, November 2020, 104322. Abdullah Alattas, Peter van Oosterom Sisi Zlatanova, Dick Hoeneveld and Edward Verbree LADM-IndoorGML for exploring user movements in evacuation exercise Land Use Policy, Volume 98, November 2020, 104219. Agung Indrajit, Bastiaan van Loenen, Hendrik Ploeger and Peter van Oosterom Developing a spatial planning information package in ISO 19152 land administration domain model Land Use Policy, Volume 98, November 2020, 104111. Charisse Griffith-Charles and Michael Sutherland< 3D cadastres for densely occupied informal situations: Necessity and possibility Land Use Policy, Volume 98, November 2020, 104372. Ali Asghari, Mohsen Kalantari and Abbas Rajabifard A structured framework for 3D cadastral data validation - a case study for Victoria, Australia Land Use Policy, Volume 98, November 2020, 104359. Barbara Cemellini, Peter van Oosterom, Rod Thompson and Marian de Vries Design, development and usability testing of an LADM compliant 3D Cadastral prototype system Land Use Policy, Volume 98, November 2020, 104418. Abdullah Kara, Peter van Oosterom, Volkan Çađdaţ, Ümit Iţýkdađ and Christiaan Lemmen 3 Dimensional data research for property valuation in the context of the LADM Valuation Information Model Land Use Policy, Volume 98, November 2020, 104179. Ramiro Alberdi and Diego A. Erba Modeling Legal Land Object for waterbodies in the context of 4D cadastre Land Use Policy, Volume 98, November 2020, 104417. Dimitrios Kitsakis and Efi Dimopoulou Assessing the environmental impact of 3D public law restrictions Land Use Policy, Volume 98, November 2020, 104151. Dubravka Sladic, Aleksandra Radulovic and Miro Govedarica Development of process model for Serbian cadastre Land Use Policy, Volume 98, November 2020, 104273. Nikola Vucic, Mario Madera, Saša Vranic and Miodrag Roic Initial 3D cadastre registration by cadastral resurvey in the Republic of Croatia Land Use Policy, Volume 98, November 2020, 104335. Tarun Ghawana, Jason Sargent, Rohan Mark Bennett, Jaap Zevenbergen, Pradeep Khandelwal and Subu Rahman 3D Cadastres in India: Examining the status and potential for land administration and management in Delhi Land Use Policy, Volume 98, November 2020, 104389. Maria Gkeli, Chryssy Potsiou and Charalabos Ioannidis A technical solution for 3D crowdsourced cadastral surveys Land Use Policy, Volume 98, November 2020, 104419. Julia Velastegui-Cáceres, Víctor M. Rodríguez-Espinosa and Oswaldo Padilla-Almeida Urban Cadastral Situation in Ecuador: Analysis to Determine the Degree of Proximity of the Cadastral Systems to the 3D Cadastral Model Land, 9(10), 357, pp. 1-20. Jernej Tekavec, Anka Lisec and Eugénio Rodrigues Simulating Large-Scale 3D Cadastral Dataset Using Procedural Modelling ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(10), A5. Donald Grant, Stig Enemark, Jaap Zevenbergen, David Mitchell and Geoffrey McCamley The Cadastral triangular model Land Use Policy, Volume 97, 104758. Jaroslaw Bydlosz and Agnieszka Bieda Developing a UML Model for the 3D Cadastre in Poland Land, 9(11), 466, pp. 1-17. Maria Gkeli, Chryssy Potsiou and Charalabos Ioannidis Design of a Crowdsourced 3D Cadastral Technical Solution ISPRS Archives, 43(B4), pp. 269-276. Hicret Surmeneli, Mila Koeva, Jaap Zevenbergen and Mehmet Alkan Towards integration of LADM and CITYGML for the cadastral system of Turkey ISPRS Archives, 43(B4), pp. 691-698. Ketut Tomy Suhari, Bambang Edhi Leksono, Irwan Meilano, Putu Harry Gunawan and Nyoman Robby Manik Saputra Implementation of 4D Cadastre Concept for Land Dispute Potential and Solution of Post Natural Disaster in Palu, Indonesia FIG Working Week 2020, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 13 p. Jantien Stoter, Serene Ho and Filip Biljecki How Might a Level of Detail Logic Framework Help to Close the 3D Cadastre Research-To-Practice Gap? FIG Working Week 2020, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 13 p. Maria Gkeli, Chryssy Potsiou and Charalabos Ioannidis Mobile Crowdsourcing in 3D Cadastral Surveys: Exploring Publics’ Reaction and Data Quality FIG Working Week 2020, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 22 p. Sun Jing and Jenny Paulsson A BIM-based Approach for Swedish 3D Cadastral Management FIG Working Week 2020, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 13 p. Hiroyuki Hasegawa 4D IMADAS 2020 – 3D Forest Cadastre FIG Working Week 2020, the Netherlands, 2020, 17 p. ![]() 2019 Rod Thompson, Peter van Oosterom and Sudarshan Karki Towards an Implementable Data Scheme for 4D/5D Cadastre Including Bi-Temporal Support FIG Working Week 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam, 22 p. Anna Shnaidman, Peter van Oosterom, Alias Abdul Rahman, Sudarshan Karki, Chrit Lemmen and Hendrik Ploeger Analysis of the Third FIG 3D Cadastres Questionnaire: Status in 2018 and Expectations for 2022 FIG Working Week 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam, 23 p. Peter van Oosterom, Marian de Vries, Barbara Cemellini, Rod Thompson and Anna Shnaidman Results of the Public Usability Testing of a Web-Based 3D Cadastral Visualization System FIG Working Week 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam, 15 p. Hiroyuki Hasegawa, Heng Kim Leng and Kim Samnang 4D- IMADAS with 3D Mapping of Kyoto-Angkor (Khmer) Capitals FIG Working Week 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam, 16 p. Jingya Yan, Siow Wei Jaw, Kean Huat Soon, Andreas Wieser and Gerhard Schrotter Towards an Underground Utilities 3D Data Model for Land Administration Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(17), 1957. Olga Matuk Conception of registration of underground spatial structures in modern 3D cadastral system Geomatics and Environmental Engineering, 13(2), pp. 47-60. Jingya Yan, Siow Wei Jaw, Kean Huat Soon and Gerhard Schrotter The LADM-Based 3D Underground Utility Mapping: Case Study in Sýngapore ISPRS Archives, 42(4/W15), pp. 117-122. Maria Gkeli, Chryssy Potsiou and Charalabos Ioannidis Crowdsourced 3D cadastral surveys: looking towards the next 10 years Journal of Geographical Systems, 21(1), pp. 61-87. Nenad Višnjevac, Rajica Mihajlovic, Mladen Šoškic, Zeljko Cvijetinovic and Branislav Bajat Prototype of the 3D Cadastral System Based on a NoSQL Database and a JavaScript Visualization Application ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8(5), 227. ![]() 2018 Matthew Smart and Russell Priebbenow Designing a 3D Cadastral System Demonstrator: A Case Study 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 1-15 Maria Gkeli, Chryssy Potsiou and Charalabos Ioannidis LADM-based Crowdsourced 3D Cadastral Surveying – Potential and Perspectives 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 17-38 Dubravka Sladic, Aleksandra Radulovic and Miro Govedarica Processes in Cadastre: Process Model for Serbian 3D Cadastre 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 39-56 Mario Mađer, Nikola Vučić, Saša Vranić and Miodrag Roić Initial 3D Cadastre Registration In The Republic Of Croatia By Cadastral Resurvey 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 57-74 Karolina Larsson, Jesper Paasch and Jenny Paulsson Conversion Of 2D Analogue Cadastral Boundary Plans Into 3D Digital Information – Problems and Challenges Illustrated By A Swedish Case 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 75-94 Aleksandra Radulović, Dubravka Sladić, Miro Govedarica, Aleksandar Ristić and Dušan Jovanović Towards 2D Utility Network Cadastre: Extended Serbian LADM Country Profile 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 95-110 Marcin Karabin, Dimitrios Kitsakis, Mila Koeva, Gerhard Navratil, Jesper Paasch, Jenny Paulsson, Nikola Vučić, Karel Janečka and Anka Lisec Layer Approach To Ownership In 3D Cadastre – A Subway Case 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 111-136 Rigoberto A. Moreno Vázquez and Diego Erba Arial Power Line 3D Cadastre 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 137-154 Rachel Adi, Anna Shnaidman and Shimon Barazani Implementation Of The 3D Cadastre In Israel 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 155-176 Eftychia Kalogianni, Efi Dimopoulou, Rod Thompson Christiaan Lemmen and Peter van Oosterom Investigating 3D Spatial Units’ Types As Basis For Refined 3D Spatial Profiles In The Context Of LADM Revision 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 177-200 Behnam Atazadeh, Abbas Rajabifard, Mohsen Kalantari and Jihye Shin A BIM-Driven Approach To Managing Common Properties Within Multi-Owned Developments 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 201-216 Volkan Çağdaş, Erik Stubkjær, Walter Timo De Vries, Cornelius Van Der Merwe, Jesper Paasch, Jenny Paulsson, Nadja Schwery, Hendrik Ploeger, Ümit Işikdağ and Abdullah Kara Co-Ownership Shares In Condominiums – A Comparison Across Jurisdictions and Standards 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 217-242 Jernej Tekavec and Anka Lisec A Framework For Assessing Cadastral Data As A Source 3D Indoor Modelling 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 243-260 Abdullah Alattas, Peter van Oosterom, Sisi Zlatanova, Abdoulaye Diakité and Jinjin Yan Developing A Database For The LADM-Indoorgml Model 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 261-278 Michael Germann, Jürg Lüthy and Peter van Oosterom INTERLIS 3 Developments With 3D Data Types and Better Constraint Support For 3D Cadastres 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 279-290 Dimitrios Kitsakis and Efi Dimopoulou Determining The “True” Three-Dimensional Environmental Impact Of Public Law Restrictions 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 291-308 Tarun Ghawana, India, Rohan Bennett, Australia, Jaap Zevenbergen, Pradeep Khandelwal and Subu Rahman Exploring 3D Cadastres In India: Evaluating The Potential For Land Planning, Development and Management In Delhi 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 309-328 Agung Indrajit, Hendrik Ploeger, Bastiaan Van Loenen and Peter van Oosterom Designing Open Spatial Information Infrastructure To Support 3D Urban Planning In Jakarta Smart City 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 329-356 Charisse Griffith-Charles and Michael Sutherland 3D Cadastres For Complex Extra-Legal and Informal Situations 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 357-370 Kean Huat Soon Contextualising Ontologies With Image, Number and Rationality 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 371-382 Nenad Višnjevac, Rajica Mihajlović, Mladen Šoškić, Željko Cvijetinović, Stevan Marošan and Branislav Bajat Developing Serbian 3D Cadastre System - Challenges and Directions 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 383-406 Jiyi Zhang, Gang Li, Youzhi Liu, Pengcheng Yin, Jinyu Yu and Zhifeng Shi The Application Model Of 3D Cadastre In Practical Registration For Real Estate In China 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 407-420 Shen Ying, Renzhong Guo, Lin Li, Naibin Chen and Yizhen Jia An Uniform Real-Estate Registration Model For China 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 421-448 Hicret Gursoy Surmeneli and Mehmet Alkan Design and Determine 3D Cadastral Systems: A Case Study Of Turkey 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 449-446 Davood Shojaei, Hamed Olfat, Abbas Rajabifard, Mohsen Kalantari and Mark Briffa Moving Towards A Fully Operational 3D Digital Cadastre: Victoria, Australia 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 447-482 Mohsen Kalantari, Australia and Eftychia Kalogianni Towards LADM Victoria Country Profile – Modelling The Spatial Information 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 483-498 Chen Wang and Chang-Bin Yu Digital Cartographic Model Of 3D Cadastre: An Initial Design and Implementation 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 499-514 Gerhard Navratil, Marco Schwai, Stefan Vollnhofer, Philip Konturek and Ioannis Giannopoulos From Floor Plans To Condominium Rights Through An Augmenetd Reality Approach 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 515-528 Barbara Cemellini, Italy, Rod Thompson, Australia, Peter van Oosterom and Marian de Vries Usability Testing Of A Web-Based 3D Cadastral Visualization System 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 529-548 Abdullah Kara, Peter van Oosterom, Volkan Çağdaş, Ümit Işikdağ and Christiaan Lemmen 3D Data For Better Property Value Estimation In The Context Of LADM Valuation Information Model 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 549-570 Ramiro Alberdi and Diego Erba Modeling Legal Land Object For Water Bodies In The Context Of N-Dimensional Cadaster 6th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2018, Delft, pp. 571-584 Abbas Rajabifard, Muyiwa Agunbiade, Mohsen Kalantari, Kit Meng Yip, Behnam Atazadeh, Farshad Badiee, Dato’ Mohd Noor Bin Isa, Mohamad Kamali Bin Adimin, Keat Lim Chan, Ali Aien, Hamed Olfat, Davood Shojaei and Mohsen Rahimipour Anaraki An LADM-Based Approach For Developing and Implementing A National 3D Cadastre – A Case Study Of Malaysia 7th International FIG Workshop on the LADM, 2018, Zagreb, pp. 47-66 Eftychia Kalogianni, Efi Dimopoulou and Peter van Oosterom 3D Cadastre and LADM – Needs and Expectations Towards LADM Revision 7th International FIG Workshop on the LADM, 2018, Zagreb, pp. 67-88 Behnam Atazadeh, Abbas Rajabifard and Mohsen Kalantari Connecting LADM and Ifc Standards – Pathways Towards An Integrated Legal-Physical Model 7th International FIG Workshop on the LADM, 2018, Zagreb, pp. 89-102 Rod Thompson, Australia, Peter van Oosterom, Barbara Cemellini and Marian de Vries Developing An LADM Compliant Dissemination and Visualization System For 3D Spatial Units 7th International FIG Workshop on the LADM, 2018, Zagreb, pp. 103-124 Karel Janečka, Jarosław Bydłosz, Aleksandra Radulović, Nikola Vučić Dubravka Sladić and Miro Govedarica Lessons Learned From The Creation Of The LADM Based Country Profiles 7th International FIG Workshop on the LADM, 2018, Zagreb, pp. 171-192 Ruba Jaljolie, Peter van Oosterom and Sagi Dalyot Spatial Data Structure and Functionalities For 3D Land Management System Implementation: Israel Case Study ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2018, 7, 10 Hamed Olfat, Davood Shojaei, Mark Briffa, Susannah Maley and Abbas Rajabifard Strategic Actions For Increasing The Submission Of Digital Cadastral Data By The Surveying Industry Based On Lessons Learned From Victoria, Australia ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2018, 7, 47 Peter van Oosterom and Efi Dimopoulou Introduction To The Special Issue: "Research and Development Progress In 3D Cadastral Systems" ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2018, 7, 59 Jarosław Bydłosz, Agnieszka Bieda and Piotr Parzych The Implementation Of Spatial Planning Objects In A 3D Cadastral Model ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2018, 7, 153 Davood Shojaei, Hamed Olfat, Abbas Rajabifard and Mark Briffa Design and Development Of A 3D Digital Cadastre Visualization Prototype ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2018, 7, 384 Jingya Yan, Siow Wei Jaw, Rob Van Son, Kean Huat Soon and Gerhard Schrotter Three-Dimensional Data Modelling For Underground Utility Network Mapping ISPRS, Spatial Inf. Sci., XLII-4, pp. 711-715 S. Nikoohemat, M. Koeva, S. J. Oude Elberink and C. H. J. Lemmen Change Detection From Point Clouds To Support Indoor 3D Cadastre ISPRS, Spatial Inf. Sci., XLII-4, pp. 451-457 Hicret G. Sürmeneli, Zeynel A. Polat and Mehmet Alkan How To Be Created A New Terminology For 3- and 4- Dimensional Cadastre In Turkey FIG Congress, Istanbul, 2018, 16 p. Peter van Oosterom FIG Publication 3D Cadastres Best Practices FIG Congress, Istanbul, 2018, 8 p. Dimitrios Kitsakis, Jesper M. Paasch, Jenny Paulsson, Gerhard Navratil, Nikola Vučić, Marcin Karabin, Mohamed El-Mekawy, Mila Koeva, Karel Janečka, Diego Erba, Ramiro Alberdi, Mohsen Kalantari, Zhixuan (Jenny) Yang, Jacynthe Pouliot, Francis Roy, Mónica Montero, Adrián Alvarado and Sudarshan Karki 3D Cadastres Best Practices, Chapter 1: Legal Foundations FIG Congress, Istanbul, 2018, 78 p. Efi Dimopoulou, Sudarshan Karki, Miodrag Roić, José- Paulo Duarte De Almeida, Charisse Griffith-Charles, Rod Thompson, Shen Ying, Jesper Paasch and Peter van Oosterom 3D Cadastres Best Practices, Chapter 2: Initial Registration Of 3D Parcels FIG Congress, Istanbul, 2018, 33 p. Peter van Oosterom, Chrit Lemmen, Rod Thompson, Karel Janečka, Sisi Zlatanova and Mohsen Kalantari 3D Cadastres Best Practices, Chapter 3: 3D Cadastral Information Modelling FIG Congress, Istanbul, 2018, 42 p. Karel Janečka, Sudarshan Karki, Peter van Oosterom, Sisi Zlatanova, Mohsen Kalantari and Tarun Ghawana 3D Cadastres Best Practices, Chapter 4: 3D Spatial Dbms For 3D Cadastres FIG Congress, Istanbul, 2018, 59 p. Jacynthe Pouliot, Claire Ellul, Frédéric Hubert, Chen Wang, Abbas Rajabifard, Mohsen Kalantari, Davood Shojaei, Behnam Atazadeh, Peter van Oosterom, Marian de Vries and Shen Ying 3D Cadastres Best Practices, Chapter 5: Visualization and New Opportunities FIG Congress, Istanbul, 2018, 55 p. Barbara Cemellini, Rod Thompson, Marian de Vries and Peter van Oosterom Visualization/Dissemination Of 3D Cadastre FIG Congress, Istanbul, 2018, 30 p. Chan Keat Lim, Teng Chee Hua and David Loo Kean Beng Proposed Legislation For 3D Cadastre In Malaysia FIG Congress, Istanbul, 2018, 13 p. Martin andrée, Jesper M. Paasch, Jenny Paulsson and Stefan Seipel BIM and 3D Property Visualisation FIG Congress, Istanbul, 2018, 16 p. Mohd. Noor Isa, Chan, Keat Lim, Mohd. Nizar Hashim, M. Imzan Hassan, Khairulnizam M. Idris, and Alias Abdul-Rahman 3D Strata Modelling Based On Indoor Lidar FIG Congress, Istanbul, 2018, 15 p. Fisnik Loshi From 2D Representation Of The Buildings Into Cadastral Maps Towards 3D Gis Applications and BIM – A Case Study For Prishtina FIG Congress, Istanbul, 2018, 10 p. Abbas Rajabifard, Behnam Atazadeh, Mohsen Kalantari and Ian Williamson A New Method For Integrating 3D Spatial Information About Vertically Stratified Ownership Properties Into The Property Map Base FIG Congress, Istanbul, 2018, 17 p. Peter van Oosterom Best Practices 3D Cadastres - Extended Version FIG publication, 2018, 258 p. Ramiro Alberdi, Adrián Alvarado, Behnam Atazadeh, Marian de Vries, Efi Dimopoulou, José-Paulo Duarte De Almeida, Mohamed El-Mekawy, Claire Ellul, Diego Erba, Tarun Ghawana, Charisse Griffith-Charles and Frédéric Hubert Best Practices 3D Cadastres. Chapter 5: Visualization and New Opportunities - Extended Version FIG publication, 2018, 77 p. Dimitrios Kitsakis, Jesper M. Paasch, Jenny Paulsson, Gerhard Navratil, Nikola Vučić, Marcin Karabin, Mohamed El-Mekawy, Mila Koeva, Karel Janečka, Diego Erba, Ramiro Alberdi, Mohsen Kalantari, Zhixuan (Jenny) Yang, Jacynthe Pouliot, Francis Roy, Mónica Montero, Adrián Alvarado and Sudarshan Karki 3D Cadastres Best Practices: Legal Foundations - Extended Version FIG publication, 2018, 71 p. Karel Janečka 3D Cadastre – A Motivation and Recent Developments Of Technical Aspects Research paper, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, 2018 M.V. Dubnytska and P. Krelshteyn 3D Cadastre As A Tool For Water Bodies Account Geoinformatics, Kiev, 2018, 5 p. Monika Mika1 and Magdalena Jurkiewicz Legal and Technological Obstacles On The Road To Creating The 3D Cadastre In Poland Formatio Circumiectus 17 (2) 2018, pp. 135–143 Monika Mika An Analysis Of Possibilities For The Establishment Of A Multipurpose and Multidimensional Cadastre In Poland Land Use Policy 77 (2018), pp. 446–453 Tsung-Yi Lin, Hung-Lin Lin and Chih-Wei Hou Research On The Production Of 3D Image Cadastral Map Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2018, pp. 259-262 Lili Fu, Pengcheng Yin, Gang Li, Zhifeng Shi, Youzhi Liu and Jiyi Zhang Characteristics and Classification Of Topological Spatial Relations In 3-D Cadasters Information 2018, 9, 71, 10 p. Jernej Tekavec, Miran Ferlan and Anka Lisec A Review Of Research On 3D Real Property Cadastre Geodetski Vestnik, Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 249-278 Marcin Karabin, Krzysztof Bakuła, Magdalena Karabin-Zych and Anna Fijałkowska Feasibility Study Of 3D Cadastre Implementation Using Various Data Sources – The Case Of Warsaw Subway Geodetski Vestnik, Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 445-457 ![]() 2017 Shen Ying, Renzhong Guo, Jie Yang, Biao He, Zhigang Zhao and Fengzan Jin 3D Space Shift From Citygml Lod3-Based Multiple Building Elements To A 3D Volumetric Object ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2017, 6, 17 Karel Janečka and Petr Souček A Country Profile Of The Czech Republic Based On An LADM For The Development Of A 3D Cadastre ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2017, 6, 143 Jantien Stoter, Hendrik Ploeger, Ruben Roes, Els van der Riet, Filip Biljecki, Hugo Ledoux, Dirco Kok and Sangmin Kim Registration Of Multi-Level Property Rights In 3D In The Netherlands:  Two Cases and Next Steps In Further Implementation ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2017, 6, 158 Rodney James Thompson, Peter van Oosterom and Kean Huat Soon Landxml Encoding Of Mixed 2D and 3D Survey Plans With Multi-Level Topology ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2017, 6, 171 Dimitrios Kitsakis and Efi Dimopoulou Addressing Public Law Restrictions Within A 3D Cadastral Context ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2017, 6, 182 Katerina Athanasiou, Michael Sutherland, Christos Kastrisios, Lysandros Tsoulos,  Charisse Griffith-Charles, Dexter Davis and Efi Dimopoulou Toward The Development Of A Marine Administration System Based On International Standards ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2017, 6, 194 Behnam Atazadeh, Abbas Rajabifard and Mohsen Kalantari Assessing Performance Of Three BIM-Based Views Of Buildings For Communication and Management  Of Vertically Stratified Legal Interests ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2017, 6, 198 Nikola Vučić, Miodrag Roić, Mario Mađer, Saša Vranić and Peter van Oosterom Overview Of The Croatian Land Administration System and The Possibilities For Its Upgrade To  3D By Existing Data ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2017, 6, 223 Aleksandra Radulović, Dubravka Sladić and Miro Govedarica Towards 3D Cadastre In Serbia: Development Of Serbian Cadastral Domain Model ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2017, 6, 312 Eftychia Kalogianni, Efi Dimopoulou, Wilko Quak, Michael Germann, Lorenz Jenni and Peter van Oosterom INTERLIS Language For Modelling Legal 3D Spaces and Physical 3D Objects By Including  Formalized Implementable Constraints and Meaningful Code Lists ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2017, 6, 319 Jennifer Oldfield, Peter van Oosterom, Jakob Beetz and Thomas F. Krijnen Working With Open BIM Standards To Source Legal Spaces For A 3D Cadastre ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2017, 6, 351 Trent Gulliver, Anselm Haanen and Mark Goodin A 3D Digital Cadastre For New Zealand and The International Opportunity ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2017, 6, 375 Abdullah Alattas, Sisi Zlatanova, Peter van Oosterom, Efstathia Chatzinikolaou, Christiaan Lemmen and Ki-Joune Li Supporting Indoor Navigation Using Access Rights To Spaces Based On  Combined Use Of Indoorgml and LADM Models ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2017, 6, 384 N. Vučić, M. Mađer, M. Roić and S. Vranić Towards A Croatian 3D Cadastre Based On The LADM 4th International GeoAdvances Workshop, 2017, Safranbolu, Karabuk, Turkey, ISPRS Volume IV-4/W4, pp. 399-409 D. Shojaei, H. Olfat, M. Briffa and A. Rajabifard 3D Digital Cadastre Journey In Victoria, Australia 12th 3D Geoinfo Conference 2017, Melbourne, Australia, ISPRS Volume IV-4/W5, pp. 117-123 Nida Celik Simsek and Bayram Uzun Trends and Expectations Towards To Three-Dimensional Property System In Turkey FIG Working Week 2017, Helsinki, Finland, 12 p. Markkula Three Dimensional Real Estate Formation In Finland Markku FIG Working Week 2017, Helsinki, Finland, 8 p. Lara Humby and Jennifer Whittal 3D Cadastral Parcels In South Africa – Representing The Third Dimension  In The South African Cadastral System FIG Working Week 2017, Helsinki, Finland, 16 p. Freddy Every, Charisse Griffith-Charles, Riëncy Holder, Mathilde Molendijk, Peter van Oosterom,  Rolando Ocampo Alcántar, Jocelyne Marie Marguerite Croes, Christiaan Lemmen,  Hendrik Ploeger and Michael Sutherland Initial Inventory Of 3D Cadastre Use Cases In The Caribbean FIG Working Week 2017, Helsinki, Finland, 19 p. Mohsen Kalantari, Abbas Rajabifard, Ian Williamson and Behnam Atazadeh 3D Property Ownership Map Base For Smart Urban Land Administration FIG Working Week 2017, Helsinki, Finland, 9 p. Hasan Jamil, Mohd Noor Isa, Cheehua Teng, Keat Lim Chan, Alias Abdul Rahman, Ivin Amri Musliman,  Uznir Ujang, Imzan Hassan, Bernad Siew, Hairi Karim, Nur Amalina Zulkifli,  Suhaibah Azri and Peter van Oosterom Converting The Strata Building To LADM FIG Working Week 2017, Helsinki, Finland, 19 p. Marcin Karabin, Robert Olszewski, Dariusz Gotlib, Krzysztof Bakuła and Anna Fijałkowska The New Methods Of Visualisation Of The Cadastral Data In Poland FIG Working Week 2017, Helsinki, Finland, 18 p. Dimitra-Efstathia andrianesi and Efi Dimopoulou Investigating An Interoperability Platform For Sustainable Land Management FIG Working Week 2017, Helsinki, Finland, 16 p. Alexandra Högblom Moisio 3D Real Property Formation In Sweden FIG Working Week 2017, Helsinki, Finland, 13 p. Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman, Muhammad Imzan Hassan and Tan Liat Choon Conceptual Modelling Of 3D Cadastre and LADM Cadastre: Geo-Information Innovations in Land Administration, Capital Publishing Company, Chapter 9, pp. 95-111 Markus Seifert, Ulrich Gruber and Jens Riecken Germany On The Way To 4D-Cadastre Cadastre: Geo-Information Innovations in Land Administration, Capital Publishing Company, Chapter 13, pp.147-158 Anka Lisec, Miran Ferlan and Jernej Tekavec 3D Modelling Of A Cadastral Treasure: Towards A 3D Cadastre In Slovenia GIM International, 2017, 31(4), pp. 35-37 Petra Drobež, Mojca Kosmatin Fras, Miran Ferlan and Anka Lisec Transition From 2D To 3D Real Property Cadastre: The Case Of The Slovenian Cadastre Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 62 (2017), pp. 125–135 Agnieszka Trystuła Concept Of A Polish Database Of A Multi-Dimensional Cadastral System With Particular Focus On Geo-Hazards Environmental Engineering, 10th International Conference, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2017 Eftychia Kalogianni, Efi Dimopoulou, Wilko Quak and Peter van Oosterom LADM and INTERLIS As A Perfect Match For 3D Cadastre ISPRS, Volume XLII-4/W7, 2017, pp. 23-26 Davood Shojaei, Hamed Olfat, Sebastian Ignacio Quinones Faundez, Mohsen Kalantari,  Abbas Rajabifard and Mark Briffa Geometrical Data Validation In 3D Digital Cadastre − A Case Study For Victoria, Australia Land Use Policy 68 (2017), pp. 638–648 Ruba Jaljolie, Sagi Dalyot and Yerach Doytsher Topology Data Structure and Functionalities In Support Of Information System For  Management Of Multi-Dimensional Land Registration Research Thesis Proposal, Technion, 2017 Magdalena Jurkiewicz and Marek Ślusarski Selected Aspects Of Creation Of A Multi-Dimensional Cadastre In Poland Polish Academy Of Sciences, Cracow Branch, Pp. 1483–1491 Nenad Višnjevac, Rajica Mihajlović, Mladen Šoškić, Željko Cvijetinović and Branislav Bajat Using Nosql Databases In The 3D Cadastre Domain Geodetski Vestnik, 2017, Vol. 61, No. 3, Pp. 412-426 Nenad Višnjevac, Rajica Mihajlović, Mladen Šoškić, Željko Cvijetinović and Branislav Bajat Using Nosql Databases In The 3D Cadastre Domain Geodetski Vestnik, 2017, Vol. 61, No. 3, Pp. 412-426 Eftychia Eftychia Refined LA_level Modelling in LADM The 6th Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) Workshop, Delft, presentation Peter van Oosterom 3D/4D Cadastre The 6th Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) Workshop, Delft, presentation ![]() 2016 Ji-yi Zhang, Peng-cheng Yin, Gang Li, He-he Gu, Hua Zhao and Jian-chun Fu 3D Cadastral Data Model Based on Conformal Geometry Algebra In: ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, Volume 5, 2016, 16 p. Jacynthe Pouliot and Philippe Girard Subsurface Utility Network Registration and the Publication of Real Rights: Towards Full 3D Cadastre FIG Working Week 2016, Christchurch, 9 p. Rodney James Thompson, Peter van Oosterom, Kean Huat Soon and Russell Priebbenow A Conceptual Model Supporting a Range of 3D Parcel Representations through all Stages: Data Capture, Transfer and Storage FIG Working Week 2016, Christchurch, 23 p. Behnam Atazadeh, Mohsen Kalantari, Abbas Rajabifard, Tom Champion and Serene Ho Harnessing BIM for 3D Digital Management of Stratified Ownership Rights in Buildings FIG Working Week 2016, Christchurch, 21 p. Martin Andrče, Goran Milutinovic and Stefan Seipel Virtual 3D Models as a Basis for Property Formation FIG Working Week 2016, Christchurch, 9 p. Jiyi Zhang, Pengcheng Yin, Gang Li, Zhaoyuan Yu, Di Hu and Yongyi Zang A New Method for 3D Cadastral Parcel Merging Based on Conformal Geometry Algebra FIG Working Week 2016, Christchurch, 14 p. Yuan Ding, Changbin Wu, Nan Jiang, Binqing Ma and Xinxin Zhou Construction of Geometric Model and Topology for 3d Cadastre - case Study in Taizhou, Jiangsu FIG Working Week 2016, Christchurch, 17 p. Markus Seifert, Ulrich Gruber abd Jens Riecken Multidimensional Cadastral System in Germany FIG Working Week 2016, Christchurch, 11 p. Hyo-Jin Jung, Hyeyoung Kang and Jiyeong Lee The Concepts of Level of Detail in 3D Indoor Models FIG Working Week 2016, Christchurch, 10 p. Peter van Oosterom, Efi Dimopoulou and Elfriede M. Fendel Preface 2016 Workshop 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. IX-X Dimitrios Kitsakis, Jesper Paasch, Jenny Paulsson, Gerhard Navratil, Nikola Vucic, Marcin Karabin, Andréa Flávia Tenório Carneiro and Mohamed El-Mekawy 3D Real Property Legal Concepts and Cadastre: A Comparative Study of Selected Countries to Propose a Way Forward (Overview Report) 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 1-24 Dimitrios Kitsakis and Efi Dimopoulou Possibilities of Integrating Public Law Restrictions to 3D Cadastres 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 25-45 Jacynthe Pouliot and Philippe Girard 3D Cadastre: With or Without Subsurface Utility Network? 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 47-59 Nikola Vucic, Miodrag Roic, Mario Mader and Sasa Vranic Overview of Legal and Institutional Aspects of Croatian Cadastre and Possibilities for its Upgrading to 3D 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 61-79 Katerina Athanasiou, Efi Dimopoulou, Christos Kastrisios and Lysandros Tsoulos Management of Marine Rights, Restrictions and Responsibilities according to International Standards 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 81-104 Efi Dimopoulou, Sudarshan Karki, Roic Miodrag, José-Paulo Duarte de Almeida, Charisse Griffith-Charles, Rod Thompson, Shen Ying and Peter van Oosterom Initial Registration of 3D Parcels (Overview Report) 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 105-132 Rodney James Thompson, Peter van Oosterom and Kean Huat Soon Mixed 2D and 3D Survey Plans with Topological Encoding 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 133-152 José-Paul Duarte de Almeida, Claire Ellul, Ricardo Romano and Cidália Fonte The role of Volunteered Geographic Information towards 3D Property Cadastral Systems (2): A Purpose Driven Web Application 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 153-168 Mila Koeva and Sander Oude Elberink Challenges for Updating 3D Cadastral Objects using LiDAR and Image-based Point Clouds 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 169-182 Behnam Atazadeh, Mohsen Kalantari and Abbas Rajabifard Comparing Three Types of BIM-based Models for Managing 3D Ownership Interests in Multi-level Buildings 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 183-198 Jennifer Oldfield, Peter van Oosterom, Wilko Quak, Jeroen van der Veen and Jakob Beetz Can Data from BIMs be Used as Input for a 3D Cadastre? 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 199-214 Karel Janecka and Sudarshan Karki 3D Data Management (Overview Report) 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 215-259 Eftychia Kalogianni, Efi Dimopoulou, Wilko Quak and Peter van Oosterom Formalizing Implementable Constraints in the INTERLIS Language for Modelling Legal 3D RRR Spaces and 3D Physical Objects 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 261-283 Karel Janecka and Petr Soucek Country Profile for the Cadastre of the Czech Republic based on LADM 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 285-300 Michael Sutherland, Charisse Griffith-Charles and Dexter Davis Toward the Development of LADM-based Marine Cadastres: Is LADM Applicable to Marine Cadastres? 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 301-315 Sisi Zlatanova, Ki-Joune Li, Christiaan Lemmen and Peter van Oosterom Indoor Abstract Spaces: Linking IndoorGML and LADM 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 317-328 Byron Nakos The Hellenic National Cadastre: An Elemental Institution for Nurturing and Promoting Innovation in 3D Geospatial Data 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 329-330 (abstract) Evangelos Dimas 3D Cadastral Objects of the Hellenic National Cadastre 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 331-332 (abstract) George Mourafetis Innovative Web-based Services and Applications in the Hellenic National Cadastre 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 333-334 (abstract) Panos Lolonis On the Nature and Relationships of 3D Spatial Cadastral Objects 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 335-336 (abstract) Jacynthe Pouliot, Frédéric Hubert, Chen Wang, Claire Ellul and Abbas Rajabifard 3D Cadastre Visualization: Recent Progress and Future Directions (Overview Report) 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 337-359 Shen Ying, RenZhong Guo, WeiYang Li, Jie Yang, ZhiGang Zhao and Lin Li Visualization for the Coherent Set of 3D Property Units 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 361-372 Nikola Vucic, Peter van Oosterom and Danko Markovinovic Topographic Signs - Important Context for a 3D Cadastre 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 373-387 Mohamed Akram Seddiki Case study on the 3D Cadastre in Algeria: First Application of the FIG Recommendations 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 389-404 Adolfo Lino de Araújo and Francisco Henrique de Oliveira Overlapping Characterization of Spatial Parcels in Brazil: Case in Florianopolis 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 405-417 Kean Huat Soon, Derick Tan and Victor Khoo Initial Design to Develop a Cadastral System that Supports Digital Cadastre, 3D and Provenance for Singapore 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 419-431 Charisse Griffith-Charles, Michael Sutherland and Dexter Davis Capturing Legal and Physical Boundary Differences in 3D Space - A Case Study of Trinidad and Tobago 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 433-446 Ruba Jaljolie, Peter van Oosterom and Sagi Dalyot Systematic Analysis of Functionalities for the Israeli 3D Cadastre 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 447-471 Trent Gulliver, Anselm Haanen and Mark Goodin A 3D Digital Cadastre for New Zealand by 2021: Leveraging the Current System and Modern Technology 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 473-489 Jantien Stoter, Hendrik Ploeger, Ruben Roes, Els van der Riet, Filip Biljecki and Hugo Ledoux First 3D Cadastral Registration of Multi-level Ownerships Rights in the Netherlands 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 491-504 Jaroslaw Bydlosz Developing the Polish Cadastral Model towards a 3D Cadastre 5th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2016, Athens, pp. 505-518 ![]() 2015 Chen Wang 3D Visualization of Cadastre: Assessing the Suitability of Visual Variables and Enhancement Techniques in the 3D Model of Condominium Property Units Ph.D. Thesis, Université Laval, 2015, 163 p. Abbas Rajabifard Smart Future Cities - the role of 3D Cadastre, Land and Property Information Keynote presentation at World Cadastre Summit, Conference and Exhibition, 2015, Istanbul, 25 p. Markus Seifert, Ulrich Gruber and Jens Riecken Germany on the way to 4D-cadastre World Cadastre Summit, Conference and Exhibition, 2015, Istanbul, 14 p. Yakup Emre Coruhlu, Osman Demir and Merve Ozlem Murat Registration of Structured Immovable Properties: 3D Cadastre Implementation in Turkey World Cadastre Summit, Conference and Exhibition, 2015, Istanbul, 13 p. Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman, Muhammad Imzan Hassan and Tan Liat Choon Conceptual Modelling of 3D Cadastre and LADM World Cadastre Summit, Conference and Exhibition, 2015, Istanbul, 18 p. Bambang Edhi Leksono, Andi Ristiawan, Hendriatiningsih Sadikin and Lucy Meyke The Underground Space Use Right Registation with the Approach of 3 Dimensional Cadastral Concept Presentation at World Cadastre Summit, Conference and Exhibition, 2015, Istanbul, 9 p. Michael Germann, Jürg Kaufmann, Daniel Steudler, Christiaan Lemmen, Peter van Oosterom and Kees de Zeeuw The LADM based on INTERLIS World Cadastre Summit, Conference and Exhibition, 2015, Istanbul, 10 p. Gyula Iván and András Osskó Towards 3D Land Registry in Hungary World Cadastre Summit, Conference and Exhibition, 2015, Istanbul, 13 p. El Hassane Semlali, Rafika Hajji, Hicham Benijjane and Brahim En-Nasiry State of the Art of 2D Cadastre and Reflection on a Future 3D Cadastre Case of Morocco World Cadastre Summit, Conference and Exhibition, 2015, Istanbul, 11 p. Pankaj Kumar, Alias Abdul Rahman and Gurcan Buyuksalih Automated Extraction of Buildings from Aerial LiDAR Point Cloud and Digital Imaging Datasets for 3D Cadastre - Preliminary Results World Cadastre Summit, Conference and Exhibition, 2015, Istanbul, 9 p. Kamil Karatas Land Recording Of Objects Subject To 3D Cadastre In Turkey World Cadastre Summit, Conference and Exhibition, 2015, Istanbul, 20 p. Musa Nehir Sozen and Kamil Karatas Investigation Of The Vertical Dimension Restricted Real Estates In Land Consolidation Projects World Cadastre Summit, Conference and Exhibition, 2015, Istanbul, 15 p. Aziz Sisman, Ridvan Yildirim Registration Needs in the Third-Dimension Cadastre World Cadastre Summit, Conference and Exhibition, 2015, Istanbul, 7 p. Abdullah Hisham Omar, Nazirah Mohamad Abdullah, Shuib Rambat, Noor Anim Zanariah Yahaya, Rasheila Rahibulsadri, Asraf Abdullah, Rahim Yahya, Hasan Jamil, Teng Chee Hua and Chan Keat Lim Sustainable Marine Space Managements: Malaysia Perspective World Cadastre Summit, Conference and Exhibition, 2015, Istanbul, 24 p. Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman, Peter van Oosterom, Tan Liat Choon, Hasan Jamil, Teng Chee Hua, Looi Kam Seng and Chan Keat Lim The Importance of Malaysian Land Administration Domain Model Country Profile in Land Policy In: Land Use Policy, Volume 49, 2015, pp. 649-659 Bo-Mi Lee, Taik-Jin Kim, Byung-Yong Kwak, Young-Ho Lee and Jinmu Choi Improvement of the Korean LADM Country Profile to build a 3D Cadastre Model In: Land Use Policy, Volume 49, 2015, pp. 660-667 Rod Thompson, Peter van Oosterom, Sudarshan Karki and Ben Cowie A Taxonomy of Spatial Units in a Mixed 2D and 3D Cadastral Database FIG Working Week 2015, Sofia, 20 p. Gyula Iván and András Osskó Towards 3D Land Registry in Hungary FIG Working Week 2015, Sofia, 12 p. Umit Isikdag, Mike Horhammer, Sisi Zlatanova, Ruud Kathmann and Peter van Oosterom Utilizing 3D Building and 3D Cadastre Geometries for Better Valuation of Existing Real Estate FIG Working Week 2015, Sofia, 18 p. Shay Cheruty 3D-GIS in the Cloud. The future of GIS FIG Working Week 2015, Sofia, 4 p. Peter van Oosterom 3D Cadastres Tutorial at Joint International Geoinformation Conference, 2015, Kuala Lumpur, 107 p. Ali Aien, Abbas Rajabifard, Mohsen Kalantari and Ian Williamson Review and Assessment of Current Cadastral Data Models for 3D Cadastral Applications Joint International Geoinformation Conference, 2015, Kuala Lumpur (abstract) George Floros, Eva Tsiliakou, Dimitrios Kitsakis, Ioannis Pispidikis and Efi Dimopoulou Investigating Semantic Functionality of 3D Geometry For Land Administration Joint International Geoinformation Conference, 2015, Kuala Lumpur (abstract) Eftychia Kalogianni, Efi Dimopoulou and Peter van Oosterom A 3D LADM prototype implementation in INTERLIS Joint International Geoinformation Conference, 2015, Kuala Lumpur (abstract) Aikaterini Athanasiou, Ioannis Pispidikis and Efi Dimopoulou 3D Marine Administration System based on LADM Joint International Geoinformation Conference, 2015, Kuala Lumpur (abstract) Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter van Oosterom An Overview of 3D Topology for LADM-based Objects Joint International Geoinformation Conference, 2015, Kuala Lumpur, 3 p. ![]() 2014 Davood Shojaei 3D Cadastral Visualisation: Understanding Users' Requirements PhD thesis, The University of Melbourne, 2014, 352 p. Abbas Rajabifard 3D Cadastres and Beyond 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 1-15 Mohamed El-Mekawy, Jesper Paasch and Jenny Paulsson Integration of 3D Cadastre, 3D Property Formation and BIM in Sweden 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 17-34 Umit Isikdag, Mike Horhammer, Sisi Zlatanova, Ruud Kathmann and Peter van Oosterom Semantically Rich 3D Building and Cadastral Models for Valuation 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 35-53 Peter van Oosterom, Jantien Stoter, Hendrik Ploeger, Christiaan Lemmen, Rod Thompson and Sudarshan Karki Initial Analysis of the Second FIG 3D Cadastres Questionnaire: Status in 2014 and Expectations for 2018 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 55-74 Mohsen Kalantari and Abbas Rajabifard A Roadmap to Accomplish 3D Cadastres 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 75-82 Charisse Griffith-Charles and Michael Sutherland Governance in 3D, LADM Compliant Marine Cadastres 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 83-98 Jacynthe Pouliot and Marc Vasseur Terrestrial LiDAR Capabilities for 3D Data Acquisition (Indoor and Outdoor) in the Context of Cadastral Modelling: A Comparative Analysis for Apartment Units 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 99-107 Shen Ying, Fengzan Jin, Renzhong Guo, Lin Li, Jie Yang and Yujie Zhou The Conversion from CityGML to 3D Property Units 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 109-121 Plinio Temba The Vectorial Segmentation of Buildings in Vila Cafezal Informal Settlement Aimed at 3D Cadastre Creation 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 123-125 Mohamed Mostafa Sensors and Platforms for 3D Cadastres and 3D City Modeling: State of the Art and New Trends 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 127-130 Ali Aien, Abbas Rajabifard, Mohsen Kalantari, Ian Williamson and Davood Shojaei Development of XML Schemas for Implementation of a 3D Cadastral Data Model 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 131-158 Diego Alfonso Erba, Gustavo Noguera, Aldo Mangiarerra and Geovanna Alexandra Chávez Cangás Height Reference for Parcels and Land Objects for the 3D Cadastres Structuring 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 159-171 Jacynthe Pouliot, Chen Wang and Frédéric Hubert Transparency Performance in the 3D Visualization of Bounding Legal and Physical Objects: Preliminary Results of a Survey 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 173-182 Gerhard Navratil and Paolo Fogliaroni Visibility Analysis in a 3D Cadastre 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 183-196 Alexandra Ribeiro, José-Paulo Duarte de Almeida and Claire Ellul Exploring CityEngine as a Visualisation Tool for 3D Cadastre 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 197-217 José-Paulo Duarte de Almeida, Muki Haklay, Claire Ellul and Maria-Manuel Carvalho The Role of Volunteered Geographic Information towards 3D Property Cadastral Systems 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 219-237 Dimitrios Kitsakis and Efi Dimopoulou Contribution of Existing Documentation in 3D Cadastre 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 239-256 Hussein Abdulmuttalib Aspects of Representing LiDAR Data Used for Updating 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 257-259 Nikola Vucic, Miodrag Roic and Danko Markovinovic Towards 3D and 4D Cadastre in Croatia 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 261-280 Marcin Karabin A Concept of a Model Approach to the 3D Cadastre in Poland: Technical and Legal Aspects 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 281-298 Renzhong Guo, Feng Luo, Zhigang Zhao, Biao He, Lin Li, Ping Luo and Shen Ying The Applications and Practices of 3D Cadastre in Shenzhen 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 299-312 Carsten Rönsdorf, Debbie Wilson and Jantien Stoter Integration of Land Administration Domain Model with CityGML for 3D Cadastre 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 313-322 Kean Huat Soon, Rod Thompson and Victor Khoo Semantics-based Fusion for CityGML and 3D LandXML 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 323-338 Katarzyna Gozdz, Wojciech Pachelski, Peter van Oosterom and Volker Coors The Possibilities of Using CityGML for 3D Representation of Buildings in the Cadastre 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 339-361 Charisse Griffith-Charles and Earl Edwards Proposal for Taking the Current Cadastre to a 3D, LADM Based Cadastre in Trinidad and Tobago 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 363-378 Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter van Oosterom 3D Strata Objects Registration for Malaysia within the LADM Framework 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 379-389 Yaron Felus, Shimon Barzani, Alisa Caine, Nimrod Blumkine and Peter van Oosterom Steps towards 3D Cadastre and ISO 19152 (LADM) in Israel 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 391-409 Jesper Paasch and Jenny Paulsson Position Paper: Legal Framework 3D Cadastres 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 411-416 Sudarshan Karki and Rod Thompson Position Paper: Initial Registration of 3D Parcels 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 417-420 Helena Ĺström Boss and André Streilein Position Paper: 3D Data Management - Relevance for a 3D Cadastre 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 421-424 Jacynthe Pouliot and Chen Wang Position Paper: Visualization, Distribution and Delivery of 3D Parcels 4th International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2014, Dubai, pp. 425-432 Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman, Hasan Jamil, Teng Chee Hua, Tan Liat Choon, Looi Kam Seng, Chan Keat Lim and Peter van Oosterom Towards Malaysian LADM Country Profile for 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System XXV International FIG Congress, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, 19 p. Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman, Hasan Jamil, Teng Chee Hua, Tan Liat Choon, Looi Kam Seng, Chan Keat Lim and Peter van Oosterom Development of a Prototype for the Assessment of the Malaysian LADM Country Profile XXV International FIG Congress, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, 18 p. Abbas Rajabifard, Ian Williamson, Brian Marwick, Mohsen Kalantari, Serene Ho, Davood Shojaei, Behnam Atazadeh, Sam Amirebrahimi and Alireza Jamshidi 3D-Cadastre, a Multifaceted Challenge XXV International FIG Congress, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, 17 p. Victor Khoo, Eric Low and Zhen Hao Ng 3D Laser Scanning to Detect Property Encroachment XXV International FIG Congress, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, 13 p. Hiroyuki Hasegawa and Tsutomu Imase Cadastre2014 Japan - Initiative for Restoring Original Boundaries by Using Past Aerial Photos XXV International FIG Congress, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, 16 p. Trent Gulliver and Anselm Haanen Developing a Three-Dimensional Digital Cadastral System for New Zealand XXV International FIG Congress, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, 14 p. Wahyu M. Mutiarasari, Trias Aditya and Waljiyanto Development of Structure-based Topology of 3D Spatial Databases for Storing and Querying 3D Cadastre Cases XXV International FIG Congress, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, 14 p. Tan Liat Choon and Looi Kam Seng Developing Infrastructure Framework to Facilitate the Malaysian Multipurpose 3D Cadastre XXV International FIG Congress, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, 21 p. Chee Hua Teng, Mohd Yunus Mohd Yusoff and Nur Zurairah Abdul Halim The Development of 3D City Model for Putrajaya MPC Database XXV International FIG Congress, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, 18 p. Edward Eric Duncan and Bernad Chengxi Siew A Geometric-Topologic Exemplification for 3D Cadastre XXV International FIG Congress, 2014, Kuala Lumpur, 18 p. ![]() 2013 Jaroslaw Bydlosz Transition of 2D Cadastral Objects into 3D Ones - Preliminary Proposal Nacionalna Knjiznica, Zagreb, 2013, 9 p. Tarun Ghawana, Joao Hespanha, Pradeep Khandelwal and Peter van Oosterom 3D Cadastral Complexities in Dense Urban Areas of Developing countries: Case Studies from Delhi and Satellite Towns FIG Working Week 2013, Abuja, 30 p. Hasan Jamil, Mohd Yunus Mohd Yusoff and Nur Zurairah Abdul Halim Discovering Possibilities of Implementing Multipurpose Cadastre In Malaysia FIG Working Week 2013, Abuja, 12 p. Peter van Oosterom, Christiaan Lemmen and Harry Uitermark ISO 19152:2012, Land Administration Domain Model published by ISO FIG Working Week 2013, Abuja, 22 p. Shlomi Sivan 3D-GIS in the Cloud. The future of GIS FIG Working Week 2013, Abuja, 4 p. Rashid Kashram Ammar and Dixit Neeraj SLRB Bahrain - 3D Property Registration System In: 5th Land Administration Domain Model Workshop, September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 419-432 Fatih Döner and Cemal Biyik Conformity of LADM for modeling 3D/4D Cadastre Situations in Turkey In: 5th Land Administration Domain Model Workshop, September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 433-446 Nur Amalina Zulkifli, Alias Abdul Rahman and Peter van Oosterom Developing 2D and 3D Cadastral Registration System based on LADM: illustrated with Malaysian Cases In: 5th Land Administration Domain Model Workshop, September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 447-464 Yanto Budisusanto, Trias Aditya and Rochmad Muryamto LADM Implementation Prototype for 3D Cadastre Information System of Multi-Level Apartment in Indonesia In: 5th Land Administration Domain Model Workshop, September 2013, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 465-475 Peter van Oosterom Research and development in 3D cadastres In: 3D Cadastres II, special issue of Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 40, July 2013, pp. 1-6 Jenny Paulsson and Jesper Paasch 3D property research from a legal perspective In: 3D Cadastres II, special issue of Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 40, July 2013, pp. 7-13 Gerhard Navratil and Eva-Maria Unger Reprint of: Requirements of 3D cadastres for height systems In: 3D Cadastres II, special issue of Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 40, July 2013, pp. 14-23 Charisse Griffith-Charles and Michael Sutherland Analysing the costs and benefits of 3D cadastres with reference to Trinidad and Tobago In: 3D Cadastres II, special issue of Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 40, July 2013, pp. 24-33 Sudarshan Karki, Rod Thompson and Kevin McDougall Development of validation rules to support digital lodgement of 3D cadastral plans In: 3D Cadastres II, special issue of Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 40, July 2013, pp. 34-45 Renzhong Guo, Lin Li, Shen Ying, Ping Luo, Biao He and Renrong Jiang Developing a 3D cadastre for the administration of urban land use: A case study of Shenzhen, China In: 3D Cadastres II, special issue of Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 40, July 2013, pp. 46-55 Jantien Stoter, Hendrik Ploeger and Peter van Oosterom 3D cadastre in the Netherlands: Developments and international applicability In: 3D Cadastres II, special issue of Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 40, July 2013, pp. 56-67 Jacynthe Pouliot, Marc Vasseur and Abbas Boubehrezh How the ISO 19152 Land Administration Domain Model performs in the comparison of cadastral systems: A case study of condominium/co-ownership in Quebec (Canada) and Alsace Moselle (France) In: 3D Cadastres II, special issue of Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 40, July 2013, pp. 68-78 Davood Shojaei, Mohsen Kalantari, Ian D. Bishop, Abbas Rajabifard, Ali Aien Visualization requirements for 3D cadastral systems In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 41, September 2013, pp. 39-54 ![]() 2012 Diego Alfonso Erba Application of 3D Cadastres as a Land Policy Tool In: Land Lines, the quarterly journal of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, April 2012, pp. 8-14 Jaroslaw Bydlosz The multi-dimensional cadastre around the world and its implementation conditions in Poland In: Annals of Geomatics, Polish Association for Spatial Information, Volume X, 3, 2012, 11 p. (in Polish, English abstract) Chengxi Bernad Siew and Alias Abdul Rahman Compression Techniques for 3D SDI FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 18 p. Tan Liat Choon and Khadijah Binti Hussin Establishing 3D Property Rights in Malaysia FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 24 p. Oren Gal and Yerach Doytsher Spatial 3D Analysis of Built-up Areas FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 18 p. Vince Mangioni, Kauko Viitanen, Heidi Falkenbach and Tuomo Sipilä Three dimensional property rights and reassembly: Cases of Sydney and Helsinki FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 14 p. Jaroslaw Bydlosz The Cadastre in Poland - The Current Status and Possibilities of Transformation into 3D One FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 9 p. Arvo Vitikainen and Juhana Hiironen Development Scenarios of the 3D Cadastral System in Finland FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, presentation Maurizio Foderŕ The subsoil cadastre of Mazara del Vallo FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 7 p. Guilherme Souza and Amilton Amorim LiDAR data integration for 3D Cadastre: some experiences from Brazil FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 16 p. Abbas Rajabifard, Mohsen Kalantari and Ian Williamson Land and Property Information in 3D FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 14 p. Alessandro Dalmasso Individual and shared properties in the Condominium: description, 3D representation and updating FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 4 p. Diego Alfonso Erba and Mario Andrés Piumetto 3D Cadastre in the Federal Countries of Latin America FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 14 p. S. Hendriatiningsih, Rizqi Abdulharis and Andri Hernandi Revisiting the Concept of Boundary on 3D Cadastre in Indonesia FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 9 p. Gyula Iván 3D Cadastre Developments in Hungary FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 14 p. Martin Breunig, André Borrmann, Ernst Rank, Matthäus Schilcher, Stefan Hinz, Andreas Donaubauer and Ralf-Peter Mundani Towards 3D Geoinformatics and Computational Civil Engineering Support for Cooperative Tracks Planning FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 15 p. Edward Eric Duncan and Alias Abdul Rahman An Amalgamation of 3D Spatial Data Model for Surface and Subsurface Spatial Objects FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 21 p. Natalia Vandysheva, Sergey Sapelnikov, Peter van Oosterom, Marian De Vries, Boudewijn Spiering, Rik Wouters, Andreas Hoogeveen and Veliko Penkov The 3D Cadastre Prototype and Pilot in the Russian Federation FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 16 p. Mattia De Agostino, Andrea Lingua and Marco Piras SOLDEO: A New Solution for 3D GIS Data Recording FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 12 p. Guilherme H.B. Souza and Amilton Amorim LiDAR data integration for 3D Cadastre: some experiences from Brazil FIG Working Week 2012, Rome, 16 p. Peter van Oosterom Summary of the Third International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres - Developments and practices 25-26 October 2012, Shenzhen, China, 6 p. Changbin Yu, Lin Li, Shen Ying, Biao He, Zhigang Zhao and Yuan Wan Designing a Title Certificate for the Chinese 3D Cadastre 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 1-21 Jenny Paulsson Swedish 3D Property in an International Comparison 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 23-39 Efi Dimopoulou and Elikkos Elia Legal Aspects of 3D Property Rights, Restrictions and Responsibilities in Greece and Cyprus 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 41-60 Gerhard Navratil Combining 3D Cadastre and Public Law - An Austrian Perspective 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 61-71 Hrvoje Tomic, Miodrag Roic and Sinisa Mastelic Ivic Use of 3D Cadastral Data for Real Estate Mass Valuation in the Urban Areas 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 73-86 Galina Elizarova, Sergey Sapelnikov, Natalia Vandysheva, Sergey Pakhomov, Peter van Oosterom, Marian de Vries, Jantien Stoter, Hendrik Ploeger, Boudewijn Spiering, Rik Wouters, Andreas Hoogeveen and Veliko Penkov Russian-Dutch Project "3D Cadastre Modelling in Russia" 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 87-102 Renzhong Guo,Ping Luo, Renrong Jiang and Weixi Wang 3D Cadastre Oriented Reconstruction of Administrative Procedure in Chinese Urban Land Management 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 103-112 Renzhong Guo, Changbin Yu, Biao He, Zhigang Zhao, Lin Li and Shen Ying Logical Design and Implementation of the Data Model for 3D Cadastre in China 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 113-136 Hun-Chin Chiang Data Modelling and Application of 3D Cadastre in Taiwan 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 137-157 Dong-Hoon Jeong, Bong-Bae Jang, Ji-Yeong Lee, So-Il Hong, Peter van Oosterom, Kees de Zeeuw, Jantien Stoter, Christiaan Lemmen and Jaap Zevenbergen Initial Design of an LADM-based 3D Cadastre - Case study from Korea 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 159-184 Alias Abdul Rahman, Peter van Oosterom, Teng Chee Hua, Khairul Hafiz Sharkawi, Edward Eric Duncan, Norsuhaibah Azri and Muhammad Imzan Hassan 3D Modelling for Multipurpose Cadastre 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 185-201 Jantien Stoter, Peter van Oosterom and Hendrik Ploeger The Phased 3D Cadastre Implementation in the Netherlands 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 201-218 Serene Ho and Abbas Rajabifard Delivering 3D Land and Property Management: A Consideration of Institutional Challenges in an Australian Context 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 219-242 Victor H.S. Khoo Towards "Smart Cadastre" that Supports 3D Parcels 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 243-251 Shen Ying, Renzhong Guo, Lin Li and Biao He Application of 3D GIS to 3D Cadastre in Urban Environment 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 253-272 Davood Shojaei, Abbas Rajabifard, Mohsen Kalantari, Ian D. Bishop and Ali Aien Development of a 3D ePlan/LandXML Visualisation System in Australia 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 273-288 Diego Alfonso Erba and Mario Andrés Piumetto Modern Representation Technologies for the Implementation of 3D Cadastres in Latin America 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 289-308 Chen Wang, Jacynthe Pouliot and Frédéric Hubert Visualization Principles in 3D Cadastre: A First Assessment of Visual Variables 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 309-324 Rodney James Thompson and Peter van Oosterom Validity of Mixed 2D and 3D Cadastral Parcels in the Land Administration Domain Model 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 325-344 Zhigang Zhao, Renzhong Guo, Lin Li and Shen Ying Topological Relationship Identification in 3D Cadastre 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 345-360 Kean Huat Soon A Conceptual Framework of Representing Semantics for 3D Cadastre in Singapore 3rd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2012, Shenzhen, pp. 361-379 Jaroslaw Bydlosz The 3D Cadastre Aspects in International Standards and Solutions FIG Commission 3 Workshop 2012, Athens, Greece, 10-14 December 2012, 9 p. ![]() 2011 Peter Ekbäck Towards a Theory of 3D Property Rights - With an Application to Nordic Legislation In: Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research, Volume 8, 1, 2011, pp. 65-80 Jesper M. Paasch and Jenny Paulsson Terminological Aspects Concerning Three-dimensional Real Property In: Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research, Volume 8, 1, 2011, pp. 81-97 Jenny Paulsson 3D Property in Sweden Conference of Surveying Sciences, December 2011, Helsinki, The Finnish Society of Surveying Sciences & Finnish Association of Geodetic and Land Surveyors, Special Series no. 48, pp. 9-21 Peter van Oosterom Preface 2011 Workshop 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. III-VI Jenny Paulsson and Jesper Paasch 3D Property Research - a Survey of the Occurrence of Legal Topics in Publications 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 1-14 Diego A. Erba and Silvio D. Graciani 3D Cadastre in Argentina: Maps and Future Perspectives 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 15-29 Renzhong Guo, Shen Ying, Lin Li, Ping Luo and Peter van Oosterom A Multi-jurisdiction Case Study of 3D Cadastre in Shenzhen, China as Experiment using the LADM 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 31-50 Gerhard Navratil and Eva-Maria Unger Height Systems for 3D Cadastres 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 51-64 Sudarshan Karki, Rod Thompson, Kevin McDougall, Nevil Cumerford and Peter van Oosterom ISO Land Administration Domain Model and LandXML in the Development of Digital Survey Plan Lodgement for 3D Cadastre in Australia 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 65-84 Carsten Bjornsson and Nick Land ArcGIS for Land Records: Current Status and Future 3D Considerations 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 85-97 S. Hendriatiningsih, Bambang Edhi Leksono, Lucy Meyke, Wisang Wisudanar, Andi Ristiawan and Rizqi Abdulharis The Study on the Utilisation of Spatial Unit Above and Beneath the Surface in Indonesia based on 3D Cadastre System 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 99-114 Eva Tsiliakou and Efi Dimopoulou Adjusting the 2D Hellenic Cadastre to the Complex 3D World - Possibilities and Constraints 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 115-135 Muhammad Imzan Hassan and Alias Abdul Rahman Unique Identifier for 3D Cadastre Objects Registration 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 137-148 Jantien Stoter, Hendrik Ploeger, Wim Louwman, Peter van Oosterom and Barbara Wünsch Registration of 3D Situations in Land Administration in the Netherlands 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 149-165 Shen Ying, Renzhong Guo, Lin Li, Peter van Oosterom, Hugo Ledoux and Jantien Stoter Design and Development of a 3D Cadastral System Prototype based on the LADM and 3D Topology 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 167-188 Trias Aditya, Febri Iswanto, Ade Wirawan and Dany P. Laksono 3D Cadastre Web Map: Prospects and Developments 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 189-208 José Miguel Olivares García, Luis Ignacio Virgós Soriano and Amalia Velasco Martín-Varés 3D Modeling and Representation of the Spanish Cadastral Cartography 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 209-222 Kees van Prooijen, Benoit Frédéricque and Keith Raymond Bentley's Support for 3D Cadastre Development 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 223-239 Babu Ram Acharya Prospects of 3D Cadastre in Nepal 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 241-253 Nikola Vucic, Miodrag Roic and Zdravko Kapovic Current Situation and Prospect of 3D Cadastre in Croatia 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 255-270 Jacynthe Pouliot, Marc Vasseur and Abbas Boubehrezh Spatial Representation of Condominium/Co-ownership: Comparison of Quebec and French Cadastral System based on LADM Specifications 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 271-290 Renzhong Guo, Lin Li, Biao He, Ping Luo, Shen Ying, Zhigang Zhao and Renrong Jiang 3D Cadastre in China - a Case Study in Shenzhen City 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 291-309 Dong-hoon Jeong, Taik-jin Kim, Dae-hyun Nam, Hyo-sang Li and Han-keon Cho A Review of 3D Cadastre Pilot Project and the Policy of 3D NSDI in the Republic of Korea 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 311-331 Kalli Spirou-Sioula, Charalabos Ioannidis and Chryssy Potsiou Proposal for the Development of a 3D Hybrid model for the Hellenic Cadastre 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 333-354 Natalia Vandysheva, Anatoly Ivanov, Sergey Pakhomov, Boudewijn Spiering, Jantien Stoter, Sisi Zlatanova and Peter van Oosterom Design of the 3D Cadastre Model and Development of the Prototype in the the Russian Federation 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 355-375 Ali Aien, Mohsen Kalantari, Abbas Rajabifard, Ian Williamson and Rohan Bennett Advanced Principles of 3D Cadastral Data Modelling 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 377-396 Rod Thompson and Peter van Oosterom Axiomatic Definition of Valid 3D Parcels, potentially in a Space Partition 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 397-416 Han Wammes Land Information Management and its (3D) Database Foundation 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 417-431 Marcin Karabin Rules concerned Registration of the Spatial Objects in Poland in the Context of 3D Cadastre's Requirements 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 433-452 Gyula Iván 3D Cadastre Development in Hungary 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 453-460 Andrea F.T. Carneiro, Diego A. Erba and Eduardo A.A. Augusto Preliminary Analysis of the Possibilities for the Implementation of 3D Cadastre in Brazil 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 461-477 Charisse Griffith-Charles and Michael Sutherland An Analysis of the Necessity for 3D Cadastres with Reference to Trinidad and Tobago 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 479-495 Oluseye Thomas Dabiri 3D Cadastre Development and Management in Delta State of Nigeria 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 497-506 Victor H.S. Khoo 3D Cadastre in Singapore 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 507-520 Esben Munk Sřrensen 3 Dimensional Property Rights in Denmark 3D Property Design and Registration is Working - Visualization not 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 521-529 Vlatko Dimovski, Marija Bundaleska-Pecalevska, Aleksandar Cubrinoski and Tatjana Lazoroska WEB Portal for Dissemination of Spatial Data and Services for the Needs of the Agency for Real Estate Cadastre of the Republic of Macedonia (AREC) 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 531-541 Hendrik Ploeger Position paper 1: Legal framework 3D Cadastres 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 545-549 Rod Thompson Position paper 2: Initial Registration of 3D Parcels 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 551-555 André Streilein Position paper 3: 3D Data Management - Relevance for a 3D Cadastre 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 557-561 Jacynthe Pouliot Position paper 4: Visualization, Distribution and Delivery of 3D Parcels 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, pp. 563-574 Ramona Banut Report on results of working sessions 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2011, Delft, 10 p. Ali Aien, Abbas Rajabifard, Mohsen Kalantari and Ian Williamson Aspects of 3D Cadastre - A Case Study in Victoria FIG Working Week 2011, Marrakech, 15 p. Peter van Oosterom, Jantien Stoter, Hendrik Ploeger, Rod Thompson and Sudarshan Karki World-wide Inventory of the Status of 3D Cadastres in 2010 and Expectations for 2014 FIG Working Week 2011, Marrakech, 21 p. Benoit Frédéricque, Keith Raymond and Kees van Prooijen 3D GIS as Applied to Cadastre - A Benchmark of Today's Capabilities FIG Working Week 2011, Marrakech, 14 p. Reida Elwannas 3D GIS: It's a Brave New World FIG Working Week 2011, Marrakech, 9 p. Natalia Vandysheva, Vladimir Tikhonov, Peter van Oosterom, Jantien Stoter, Hendrik Ploeger, Rik Wouters and Veliko Penkov 3D Cadastre Modelling in Russia FIG Working Week 2011, Marrakech, 19 p. Alias Abdul Rahman, Teng Chee Hua and Peter van Oosterom Embedding 3D into Multipurpose Cadastre FIG Working Week 2011, Marrakech, 20 p. Fatih Doner, Osman Demir and Cemal Biyik Need for Three-Dimensional Cadastre in Turkey FIG Working Week 2011, Marrakech, 11 p. Alessandro Dalmasso Procedures for the Cadastral Registration of a New Building and its Three-D Representation FIG Working Week 2011, Marrakech, 6 p. ![]() 2010 Fatih Döner, Rod Thompson, Jantien Stoter, Christiaan Lemmen, Hendrik Ploeger, Peter van Oosterom and Sisi Zlatanova 4D cadastres: First analysis of Legal, organizational, and technical impact - With a case study on utility networks In: Land Use Policy, Volume 27, 2010, pp. 1068-1081 Jacynthe Pouliot, Tania Roy, Guillaume Fouquet-Asselin, Joanie Desgroseilliers 3D Cadastre in the province of Quebec: A First experiment for the construction of a volumetric representation 5th International 3D GeoInfo Conference, 2010, Berlin, 15 p. Jenny Paulsson Private and Common Responsibilities for the Management of Condominiums In: Erwin Hepperle et al. (Eds.); Core-Themes of Land Use Politics: Sustainability and Balance of Interests, European Faculty of Land Use and Development ETH Zürich, 2010, pp 217-230 Christiaan Lemmen, Peter van Oosterom, Rod Thompson, Joăo P. Hespanha and Harry Uitermark The Modelling of Spatial Units (Parcels) in the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) XXIV International FIG Congress, 2010, Sydney, 28 p. Tarun Ghawana, Joăo P. Hespanha, Jaap Zevenbergen and Peter van Oosterom Groundwater Management in Land Administration: A Spatio-temporal Perspective XXIV International FIG Congress, 2010, Sydney, 21 p. Tor Valstad At Last! After 10 Years in Waiting Norway Has a New Cadastral Law that also Includes 3D Objects XXIV International FIG Congress, 2010, Sydney, 1 p. (abstract) Göran Eriksson and Lars Jansson Strata Titles Are Introduced in Sweden XXIV International FIG Congress, 2010, Sydney, 13 p. Karolina Rönnberg and Ingegerd Hedmark The City Line in Stockholm, the Longest Three Dimensional Property Unit in Sweden XXIV International FIG Congress, 2010, Sydney, 14 p. Sudarshan Karki, Kevin McDougall and Rod Thompson An Overview of 3D Cadastre from a Physical Land Parcel and a Legal Property Object Perspective XXIV International FIG Congress, 2010, Sydney, 13 p. Muhammad Imzan Hassan and Alias Abdul Rahman Malaysian Integrated 3D Cadastre XXIV International FIG Congress, 2010, Sydney, 14 p. Tan Liat Choon, Khadijah Binti Hussin and Ernest Khoo Hock Oon 3D Property Situation in Malaysia - Initiatives towards 3D Cadastre XXIV International FIG Congress, 2010, Sydney, 15 p. ![]() 2009 Sudarshan Karki, Rod Thompson and Kevin McDougall Data validation in 3D Cadastre 4th International 3D GeoInfo Workshop, 2009, Ghent, 29 p. Trias Aditya, Subaryono, Waljiyanto, Istarno, Diyono, Untung Raharja, Rochmad Muryamto and Febri Iswanto Understanding the Urgency for 3D Cadastre in Indonesia: Development & Visualization of a Hybrid 3D Cadastre Model 10th South East Asian Survey Congress, 2009, Bali, 5 p. Alisa Caine Spatial Rights Legislation in Israel - A 3D Approach FIG Working Week 2009, Eilat, 14 p. Nurit Peres and Moshe Benhamu 3D Cadastre GIS - Geometry, Topology and Other Technical Considerations FIG Working Week 2009, Eilat, 14 p. Bruno Razza Division Plan for Jointly Owned Flat Block (Condominium) - Tri-dimensional Registration of a Building FIG Working Week 2009, Eilat, 4 p. Vanco Gjorgjiev and Gjorgji Gjorgjiev Registration of 3D Situations in R. Macedonia, Problems and Needs FIG Working Week 2009, Eilat, 15 p. ![]() 2008 Fatih Döner, Rod Thompson, Jantien Stoter, Christiaan Lemmen, Hendrik Ploeger and Peter van Oosterom 4D Land Administration Solutions in the Context of the Spatial Information Infrastructure FIG Working Week 2008, Stockholm, 25 p. Lars Ĺstrand Experiences of 3D Cadastre in Ĺre, Sweden - Implementing a New Tool for the Property Market FIG Working Week 2008, Stockholm, 17 p. Jenny Paulsson 3D Property - Types of Rights and Management Factors FIG Working Week 2008, Stockholm, 10 p. Arvo Kokkonen Three Dimensional (3D) Real Property System in Finland FIG Working Week 2008, Stockholm, 10 p. (presentation) ![]() 2007 Jenny Paulsson 3D Property Rights - An Analysis of Key Factors Based on International Experience PhD Thesis Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), 2007, Stockholm, 351 p. Fatih Döner and Cemal Biyik Defining 2D Parcels in 3D Space by Using Elevation Data FIG Working Week 2007, Hong Kong, 11 p. ![]() 2006 Jantien Stoter and Peter van Oosterom 3D cadastre in an international context: Legal, Organizational and Technological Aspects Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, 2006, ISBN 0-8493-3932-4, 323 p. (only global overview of book) Chong Seng Chai Towards a 3D Cadastre in Malaysia - An Implementation Evaluation Master's thesis GIMA (Utrecht Univ., TU Delft, Wageningen Univ., ITC), 2006, 104 p. P. van Oosterom, C. Lemmen, T. Ingvarsson, P. van der Molen, H. Ploeger, W. Quak, J. Stoter and J. Zevenbergen The core cadastral domain model In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 30, September 2006, pp. 627-660 Moshe Benhamu A GIS-Related Multi Layers 3D Cadastre in Israel XXIII International FIG Congress, 2006, Munich, 12 p. Tor Valstad Developments of the 3D Cadastre in Norway XXIII International FIG Congress, 2006, Munich, 12 p. Peter van Oosterom, Hendrik Ploeger, Jantien Stoter, Rod Thompson and Christiaan Lemmen Aspects of a 4D Cadastre: A First Exploration XXIII International FIG Congress, 2006, Munich, 23 p. Efi Dimopoulou, Ilias Gavanas and Panagiotis Zentelis 3D Registrations in the Hellenic Cadastre XXIII International FIG Congress, 2006, Munich, 15 p. Göran Eriksson and Cecilia Adolfsson Experiences of the 3D Cadastre Legislation XXIII International FIG Congress, 2006, Munich, 15 p. Ning Zhang and Arbind Man Tuladhar Modelling Spatio-Temporal Aspects for Cadastral System in China XXIII International FIG Congress, 2006, Munich, 13 p. ![]() 2005 Tor Valstad 3D Cadastres in Europe Cadastral Infrastructure, 2005, Bogota, 11 p. Göran Eriksson A New Multi-Dimensional Information System Introduced in Sweden FIG Working Week 2005, Cairo, 13 p. Peter van Oosterom, Hendrik Ploeger and Jantien Stoter Analysis of 3D Property Situations in the USA FIG Working Week 2005, Cairo, 17 p. Uri Shoshani, Moshe Benhamu, Eri Goshen, Saul Denekamp and Roy Bar A Multi Layers 3D Cadastre in Israel: A Research and Development Project Recommendation FIG Working Week 2005, Cairo, 15 p. András Osskó Condominium Registration in the Unified Land Registry in Hungary Towards the 3D Registration FIG Working Week 2005, Cairo, 13 p. Christian Clemen, Frank Gielsdorf and Lothar Gründig Reverse Engineering for Generation of 3D-Building-Information-Models Applying Random Variables in Computer Aided Design FIG Working Week 2005, Cairo, 8 p. Mauro Caprioli, Antonio Scarano and Eufemia Tarantino Altimetric and Tridimensional Aspects for the Updating of Cadastral Archives FIG Working Week 2005, Cairo, 9 p. Sagi Filin, Yevgeny Kulakov and Yerach Doytsher Application of Airborne Laser Technology to 3D Cadastre FIG Working Week 2005, Cairo, 13 p. Amr Hosseiny Abd-Elrahman An Integrated Spatial Data Model for Multistory Cadastral Systems FIG Working Week 2005, Cairo, 12 p. Octavian Roman 3D Information Systems FIG Working Week 2005, Cairo, 1 p. (abstract) ![]() 2004 Jantien Stoter 3D Cadastre PhD Thesis TU Delft, Publications on Geodesy 57, Netherlands Geodetic Commission, 2004, Delft, 327 p. Hendrik Ploeger and Jantien Stoter Cadastral Registration of Cross-Boundary Infrastructure Objects FIG Working Week 2004, Athens, 18 p. Mary Papaefthymiou, Tassos Labropoulos and Panagiotis Zentelis 3-D Cadastre in Greece - Legal, Physical and Practical Issues; Application on Santorini Island FIG Working Week 2004, Athens, 16 p. Jantien Stoter, Esben Munk Sřrensen and Lars Bodum 3D Registration of Real Property in Denmark FIG Working Week 2004, Athens, 23 p. C. Coskun Aydin, Osman Demýr and Mustafa Atasoy Third Dimension (3D) in Cadastre and Its Integration with 3D GIS in Turkey FIG Working Week 2004, Athens, 15 p. Jad Jarroush and Gilad Even-Tzur Constructive Solid Geometry as the Basis of 3D Future Cadastre FIG Working Week 2004, Athens, 14 p. Uri Shoshani, Moshe Benhamu, Eri Goshen, Saul Denekamp and Roy Bar Registration of Cadastral spatial Rights in Israel - A Research and Development Project FIG Working Week 2004, Athens, 18 p. Jantien Stoter, Peter van Oosterom, Hendrik Ploeger and Henri Aalders Conceptual 3D Cadastral Model Applied in Several Countries FIG Working Week 2004, Athens, 27 p. Paul van der Molen, Peter van Oosterom and Christiaan Lemmen Remarks and Observations related to the further development of the Core Cadastral Domain Model Workshop Standardization in the Cadastral Domain, Bamberg, December 2004, 19 p. ![]() 2003 Haim Sandberg Three-Dimensional Partition and Registration of Subsurface Space In: Israel Law Review, Volume 37, 1, 2003, pp. 119-167 Tor Valstad The Oslo Method - A Practical Approach to Register 3D Properties FIG Working Week 2003, Paris, 7 p. Joseph Forrai and Gili Kirschner An Interdisciplinary 3D Cadastre Development Project in Practice FIG Working Week 2003, Paris, 13 p. Jantien Stoter and Hendrik Ploeger Registration of 3D Objects Crossing Parcel Boundaries FIG Working Week 2003, Paris, 16 p. André Hernandez Mining Cadastre in Tanzania FIG Working Week 2003, Paris, 13 p. Jantien Stoter and Ben Gorte Height in the Cadastre - Integrating Point Heights and Parcel Boundaries FIG Working Week 2003, Paris, 12 p. Chrit Lemmen and Peter van Oosterom 3D Cadastres (Editorial) In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 27, July 2003, pp. 337-343 Volker Coors 3D-GIS in networking environments In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 27, July 2003, pp. 345-357 Moshe Benhamu and Yerach Doytsher Toward a spatial 3D cadastre in Israel In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 27, July 2003, pp. 359-374 Helge Onsrud Making a Cadastre law for 3D properties in Norway In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 27, July 2003, pp. 375-382 Paul van der Molen Institutional aspects of 3D cadastres In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 27, July 2003, pp. 383-394 Jantien Stoter and Martin Salzmann Towards a 3D cadastre: where do cadastral needs and technical possibilities meet? In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 27, July 2003, pp. 395-410 Roland Billen and Siyka Zlatanova 3D spatial relationships model: a useful concept for 3D cadastre? In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 27, July 2003, pp. 411-425 Rebecca O.C. Tse and Christopher Gold A proposed connectivity-based model for a 3-D cadastre In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 27, July 2003, pp. 427-445 Jantien Stoter and Hendrik Ploeger Property in 3D - registration of multiple use of space: current practice in Holland and the need for a 3D cadastre In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 27, November 2003, pp. 553-570 C. Lemmen, P. van der Molen, P. van Oosterom, H. Ploeger, W. Quak, J. Stoter and J. Zevenbergen A modular standard for the Cadastral Domain The 3rd International Symposium on Digital Earth, Brno, September 2003, pp. 399-419 ![]() 2002 Jantien Stoter UML modelling: from a 2D to a 3D Cadastre 3rd international workshop 'Towards a Cadastral Core Domain Model' of COST action G9, 2002, Delft, 6 p. Jantien Stoter and Hendrik Ploeger Multiple use of space: current practice of registration and development of a 3D cadastre UDMS 2002, 23rd Urban Data Management Symposium, Prague, pp. I.1-I.16 Jantien Stoter, Martin Salzmann, Peter van Oosterom and Paul van der Molen Towards a 3D Cadastre XXII International FIG Congress, 2002, Washington D.C., 12 p. Paul van der Molen Institutional Aspects of 3D Cadastres XXII International FIG Congress, 2002, Washington D.C., 11 p. Helge Onsrud Making Laws for 3D Cadastre in Norway XXII International FIG Congress, 2002, Washington D.C., 8 p. András Osskó Problems in Registration in the Third Vertical Dimension in the Unified Land Registry in Hungary and Possible Solution XXII International FIG Congress, 2002, Washington D.C., 10 p. Moshe Benhamu and Yerach Doytsher A Multilayer 3D Cadastre: Problems and Solutions XXII International FIG Congress, 2002, Washington D.C., 12 p. Kauko Viitanen 3 x 3D Property Ownership and Use - Registration of apartments and premises in Finland XXII International FIG Congress, 2002, Washington D.C., 8 p. ![]() 2001 Peter van Oosterom Preface 2001 Workshop International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. IX-X Tor Valstad The Oslo method: A practical approach to register 3D properties International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 1-8 Joseph Forrai and Gili Kirschner Transition from two-dimensional legal and cadastral reality to a three-dimensional one International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 9-23 Armi Grinstein Aspects of a 3D Cadastre in the new city of Modi'in, Israel International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 25-33 Moshe Benhamu and Yerach Doytsher Research toward a multilayer 3D Cadastre: Interim results International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 35-51 Paul van der Molen Institutional aspects of 3D Cadastres International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 53-66 Jasper N. Mwenda Registration of properties in strata in Kenya International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 67-77 Ema Pogorelcnik and Marina Korosec Land Cadastre and Building Cadastre in Slovenia: Current situation and potential of 3D data International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 79-90 Kauko Viitanen 3D Property ownership 3D land use in Finland International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 91-97 Sam Ng'ang'a, Michael Sutherland, Sara Cockburn and Sue Nichols Toward a 3D marine Cadastre in support of good ocean governance International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 99-114 Jantien Stoter and Martin Salzmann Towards a 3D Cadastre: Where do cadastral needs and technical possibilities meet? International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 115-135 Dimitris Rokos Conceptual modeling of real property objects for the Hellenic Cadastre International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 137-154 Mahmoud R. Delavar and Mahdi G. Majdabadi Design and development of a 3D LIS for urban applications International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 155-158 Volker Coors 3D-GIS in networking environments International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. pp. 159-168 Lars Bodum and Esben Munk Sřrensen Centre for 3D Geoinformation International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. pp. 169-172 Barbro Julstad and Agneta Ericsson Property formation and three-dimensional property units in Sweden International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 173-190 Helge Onsrud Making laws for 3D Cadastre in Norway International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 191-199 Haim Sandberg Three-dimensional division and registration of title to land: Legal aspects International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 201-209 Jad Jarroush and Gilad Even-Tzur Reinstating and marking spatial parcel boundaries as a base for a 3D digital Cadastre by means of real time kinematics GPS International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 211-222 Roland Billen and Sisi Zlatanova 3D Spatial Relationships Model: a Useful Concept for 3D Cadastre? International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 223-241 Rebecca Tse and Christopher Gold Terrain, Dinosaurs and Cadastres: Options for three-dimensional modeling International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 243-257 Richard Baldwin and Ema Pogorelcnik Trends in apartment registration and administration in Europe International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 259-292 Milan Huml How to define real estate: 2D or 3D? Legal view, conditions and experiences in the Czech Republic International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 293-299 Elena Mitrofanova The needs and possibilities for three-dimensional determination of real estate in Ukraine International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 301-304 András Osskó Problems in registration in the third vertical dimension in the unified Land Registry in Hungary, and possible solution International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 305-314 Christopher Gold Domain Description Technical Aspects International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 317-318 Jitske de Jong Domain Description Legal Aspects International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 319-320 Michael Sutherland Domain Description Organizational (Conceptual) Aspects International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, pp. 321-322 Elfriede Fendel Report on the Working Sessions International Workshop on 3D Cadastres, 2001, Delft, 8 p. Jantien Stoter and Jaap Zevenbergen Changes in the Definition of Property: A Consideration for a 3D Cadastral Registration System FIG Working Week 2001, Seoul, 12 p. Yerach Doytsher, Joseph Forrai and Gili Kirschner Initiatives toward a 3D GIS-Related Multi-Layer Digital Cadastre in Israel FIG Working Week 2001, Seoul, 13 p. ![]() |